本文选题:日俄战争 + 矿产资源 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:日俄战争期间,围绕中国东北的煤、铁等矿产资源,清政府作为特殊的“局外中立”方与日本产生了一系列权益交涉。这些外交交涉对近代中日关系的发展产生了重要影响。 本文的第一部分着重论述了日俄战争前国人与俄日对东北矿产资源的勘探与开采概况。通过对比分析甲午战后到日俄战争前日俄两国对我国东北地区的政治、经济势力渗透状况,说明正是由于沙俄政治势力的过分强势侵入,及其对东北矿产资源的强占与掠夺,从而对日俄战后中日关于矿产开采权益的交涉与日俄战争中清政府的外交态度产生重要影响。 第二部分着重论述了中日关于日俄战争期间日本强占、掠夺、私自占地开采的矿产资源的勘探开采权展开的一系列交涉。通过日俄战争中日本忽视中立条规,擅自开采军队所到之处的矿产资源,并且于清政府多次交涉后拒不交还的事实,揭示日本凭借其强大的军事力量有计划地逐步侵略中国东北。 第三部分以日俄战争后的中日北京善后会议交涉为切入点,通过战后“满铁”公司的设置与运作,着重介绍了日本通过中日善后会议使其强占的部分东北矿产合理化,并以“满铁”为基础,变相掠夺东北矿产资源的事实。不仅揭示了清政府试图维护中国主权的立场,还揭示了日本是有目的的为攫取中国利权而谈判。 最后通过比较日俄战争时期与甲午战争之前、九一八事变之后的中日外交关系的特征,直接揭示日俄战争不仅仅是日本与俄国争夺军事战略要地,更是日本对华政策中的政治和经济的侵略性的重要体现。从而深化理解这一时期的中日关系在近代中日关系发展史上的特殊意义。
[Abstract]:During the Japanese-Russian War, the Qing government, as a special "outside neutral" party, negotiated with Japan a series of rights and interests around coal, iron and other mineral resources in northeast China. These diplomatic representations had an important impact on the development of Sino-Japanese relations in modern times. The first part of this paper focuses on the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources in Northeast China before the war between Japan and Russia. Through a comparative analysis of the political and economic infiltration of Japan and Russia into the Northeast region of China before the Sino-Japanese and Russian War, it is explained that it is precisely because of the excessive and powerful invasion of political forces in Czarist Russia, as well as the seizure and plunder of mineral resources in the Northeast. Therefore, the negotiations between Japan and Russia on mineral mining rights and interests after the war and the diplomatic attitude of the Qing government in the Japanese-Russian War have had an important impact. The second part focuses on a series of negotiations between China and Japan on the exploration and mining rights of mineral resources which were occupied, plundered and privately mined by Japan during the war between Japan and Russia. Through the fact that Japan ignored the neutral rules and regulations during the Japanese-Russian War, exploited the mineral resources wherever the army went without authorization, and refused to return them after repeated representations by the Qing government. Reveal that Japan, by virtue of its powerful military force, has invaded northeast China in a planned and gradual manner. The third part focuses on the rationalization of some of the northeast mineral resources seized by Japan through the establishment and operation of the "Manchurian Railway" company through the negotiations of the Sino-Japanese Beijing Rehabilitation Conference after the Japanese and Russian War. And on the basis of "Man tie", the fact that mineral resources in Northeast China were plundered in disguise. It reveals not only the Qing government's position of trying to safeguard China's sovereignty, but also Japan's purposeful negotiation to seize China's power. Finally, by comparing the characteristics of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations during the Japanese-Russian War and before the Sino-Japanese War and after the September 18 incident, it is directly revealed that the Japan-Russian War is not only Japan and Russia fighting for military strategic positions. It is also an important embodiment of the political and economic aggression of Japan's China policy. In order to deepen the understanding of this period of Sino-Japanese relations in the modern history of Sino-Japanese relations in the history of special significance.
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