本文选题:密尔 切入点:正义 出处:《复旦大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在功利主义面对的所有批评当中,首当其冲的就是来自正义方面的挑战和质疑。当密尔决定对功利主义进行重新阐释时,正义问题就成了他不可回避的问题。本文的主要目的就是要对密尔的正义理论做一基本的考察,在这个过程中我将力求对如下两个问题进行说明和论证。第一,在密尔的正义理论中正义与功利到底是什么关系?它们能否相容?第二,密尔的正义理论有没有足够的重视个人权利?是否会对个人权利造成侵犯?其中第二个问题除了上面所说的这个问题本身之外还有一个引申的问题,那就是弱势群体的利益问题。 对于第一个问题,密尔是这样论述的。首先,密尔认为无论是从正义的起源、正义概念的冲突还是正义感的各个方面来看,它们背后隐藏的都是功利问题。其次,密尔通过对正义概念的考察,发现它们共同之处在于其内隐的个人权利,我们需要正义是因为我们要保护个人权利,而为何要保护个人权利——或者说我们凭什么拥有权利,密尔的理由是这是功利的需要,功利才是这一切的根本依据。最后,在密尔那里,他既强调功利原则是第一原则,同时又不否定正义原则对我们道德生活的重要性,而且认为正义原则是除了功利原则之外最重要的原则。对于第二个问题,密尔一方面主张正义就是保护个人权利,要在个人权利与他人权利之间做出区分;另一方面,对弱势群体的利益问题,密尔虽然认为那不是正义领域的事情,但主张通过仁德加以补充,这在一定程度上弥补了正义理论的不足。 在章节安排上,本文共分三章,第一章主要是对与密尔正义思想有较大联系的其他思想家的正义理论进行简要分析,涉及人物包括霍布斯、休谟和边沁。霍布斯和休谟的正义理论都对密尔的正义思想产生了较大地影响,至于边沁,密尔自己也承认是“喝着边沁的乳汁长大的”。 第二章是本文的核心部分,在这一章中,我将从三个方面来讨论正义问题,依次分为三节,分别是正义与正义感、正义与个人权利、正义原则与功利原则。贯穿其中的一个主要线索就是功利与正义的关系问题。 第三章主要是讨论密尔的正义理论是如何对待个人权利的,这个问题是功利主义饱受诟病之所在。在这章中,我们看看密尔是不是有效地解决了问题,解决的效果怎么样。在整个第二章中,除了正义与功利的关系这一线索外,其实还有一条线索,即正义与个人权利的关系问题。密尔认为有权利的地方就有正义问题,正义与个人权利相关联。第三章的讨论也正是顺着这一线索而展开的。
[Abstract]:Of all the criticisms that utilitarianism faces, the first to bear the brunt is the challenge and challenge of justice. When Mill decided to reinterpret utilitarianism, The main purpose of this paper is to make a basic investigation of Mill's theory of justice. In the process, I will try to explain and prove the following two problems. What is the relationship between justice and utilitarianism in Mill's theory of justice? Are they compatible? Second, does Mill's theory of justice pay enough attention to individual rights? Would it constitute a violation of the rights of the individual? In addition to the problem mentioned above, the second problem has an extension, that is, the interests of vulnerable groups. For the first question, Mill is talking about it this way. First, Mill believes that in terms of the origin of justice, the conflict of the concept of justice, and all aspects of sense of justice, there is a utilitarian problem behind them. By examining the concept of justice, Mill finds that what they have in common is their implicit individual rights, and we need justice because we want to protect individual rights, and why do we protect individual rights-- or why do we have rights? Mill's argument is that this is the need for utility, and that utilitarianism is the fundamental basis for all this. Finally, in Mill's case, he emphasizes that utilitarian principle is the first principle without denying the importance of the principle of justice to our moral life. On the second issue, Mill argues that justice is to protect the rights of the individual and to make a distinction between the rights of the individual and the rights of others; on the other hand, As for the benefit of the vulnerable group, Mill thinks that it is not a matter of justice, but he advocates to supplement it by Ren De, which to some extent makes up for the deficiency of justice theory. In chapter arrangement, this paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is a brief analysis of the justice theory of other thinkers, including Hobbes. Hume and Bentham. Hobbes and Hume's theory of justice had a great influence on Mill's thought of justice. As for Bentham, Mill himself admitted that he "grew up drinking Bentham's milk." The second chapter is the core part of this paper. In this chapter, I will discuss the problem of justice from three aspects, divided into three sections in turn, namely, justice and sense of justice, justice and individual rights. Justice principle and utilitarian principle. One of the main clues is the relationship between utilitarianism and justice. The third chapter is about how Mill's theory of justice deals with individual rights, which is the subject of much criticism of utilitarianism. In this chapter, we look at whether Mill has solved the problem effectively. What is the effect of the solution? in the whole second chapter, in addition to the clue of the relationship between justice and utility, there is actually another clue, that is, the relationship between justice and individual rights. Justice is related to individual rights, and the discussion in Chapter 3 follows this clue.
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