Political Geography Anglophone hegemony political geography
本文关键词:国际上的政治地理学研究进展与启示——对《Political Geography》杂志2005-2015年载文的分析,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。
国际上的政治地理学研究进展与启示——对《Political Geography》杂志2005-2015年载文的分析
Progress in recent international political geography research:Towards an analysis of journal papers in Political Geography
[1] [2] [3] [4]
AN Ning,QIAN Junxi,CHEN Xiaoliang,ZHU Hong(1. Centre for Cultural Industry and Cultural Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631 China; 2. School of Geographi
[1]华南师范大学文化产业与文化地理研究中心,广州510631; [2]格拉斯哥大学地理与地球科学学院,英国格拉斯哥G128QQ
文章摘要:通过对国际上的政治地理学旗舰性杂志《Political Geography》2005-2015年期间391篇成果的分析,总结出国际政治地理学研究的主要研究议题为:边境与边界、环境政治、空间与尺度、领土和主权以及安全问题、选举地理、社会和文化政治,其中空间与尺度、领土和主权以及安全问题、社会和文化政治几个方向研究成果占较大比例,而其他三个方向则相对较少。通过研究方法分析发现,国际政治地理学主要采用定性分析的方法,尤其是民族志和文本分析的方法,定量分析的使用存在一定的局限性。最后,从该杂志的研究对象和研究机构两个方面的分析归纳出:欧美主导的发达国家(尤其是英国和美国)对世界政治地理学话题的学术霸权与世界南、北差异发展具有一定的相关性。在中国综合国力日渐增强、参与国际事务能力不断提高以及作为新兴的地缘政治力量崛起的社会历史背景下,政治地理学经世致用之能亟待被展现。因此,中国政治地理学发展作为发展中国家的声音势必将越来越洪亮。
Abstr:Political geography is an important sub- discipline of human geography. However,existing literature demonstrates that the political geography of China, especially research by indigenous scholars, has not been well represented in the discipline in general, including in international journals. Based on a systematic analysis of journal papers published in the key journal Political Geography over the last decade, this article considers the potential of political geographical research both of and in China. In so doing, this article foregrounds an overview of391 journal papers published from 2005 to 2015 in Political Geography, through which it concludes that the main themes of these papers can be generalized into six categories:borderlands and boundaries, environmental and climate politics, space and scale, security issues, electoral geography, and social and cultural politics. Among these, space and scale,security issues, and social and cultural politics have usually been understood as comprising the mainstream of political geography, while the others have been viewed as more subsidiary topics. Moreover, this article investigates the methods applied in the papers analyzed, among which qualitative analyses, especially ethnography and textual analysis, are identified as the leading methods, while the use of quantitative analysis has, to a certain extent, been criticized for its limitations. Finally, this article identifies the academic hegemony of developed countries in the Global North, especially the UK and the US, which have long held supremacy in international academia in general. A thorough examination of the research subjects and research institutions of the sampled papers shows that this trend is also reflected in inte
Keyword::Political Geography Anglophone hegemony political geography study China
本文关键词:国际上的政治地理学研究进展与启示——对《Political Geography》杂志2005-2015年载文的分析,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。