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  本文选题:制度 + 制度安排 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:社会生活中发生的许多问题都与制度有关,其中一个重要方面就是制度安排效用问题。制度安排是制度主体设计、选择、确立和实施制度规则的一系列过程,而制度安排效用是制度运行过程中所体现的作用和功能。主要表现为三个方面:一是维护和谐稳定的社会环境;二是保障社会成员尽可能平等地追求幸福的权利和发展机会;三是形成一个充满活力的社会状态。要实现三个方面内容就需要制度安排中达到公平和效率的要求。 我国制度安排效用不高的原因是多方面的。其一,传统和国外思想文化的影响。传统思想文化的制约表现主要在制度原则和伦理对一些普世原则的缺失。国外思想文化的制约表现在国外传入的思想文化不能适应国情和一些思想文化糟粕对制度的销蚀作用。其二,制度环境,即宪法以及基础性的制度规则不能适应社会快速发展的要求,限制了制度安排的作用范围和作用力度。其三,制度体系和制度实施的制约。主要表现在制度主体的理性局限和利益纠缠以及制度实施不得当。 为提高制度安排效用,其一,需要树立正确的法律道德文化观,进行长期的宣传和教育,以法律制度为保证,并不断开辟新建设途径,提高整个社会的法律道德文化水平;同时还要在政府的鼓励和引导下,培育公民社会的基础条件,增强公民的主体意识、权利意识和责任意识,促进公民社会的成熟。其二,需要解放思想,破除落后保守观念,积极吸取世界制度文明的优秀成果,建设良好的制度环境。其三,需要完善制度体系,建设合理的程序、规则条文和制度结构,并优化制度实施的主体、客观条件和实施组织,配以相应的机制,确保制度实施准确到位。
[Abstract]:Many of the problems in social life are related to the system. One of the important aspects is the utility of institutional arrangements. The system arrangement is a series of processes in which the system main body designs, chooses, establishes and implements the rules of the system, and the utility of system arrangement is the function and function embodied in the process of system operation. It mainly manifests in three aspects: The first is to maintain a harmonious and stable social environment; two is to guarantee the right and development opportunities for the social members to pursue happiness as equally as possible; the three is to form a dynamic state of society. To achieve the content of the three aspects, it needs to meet the requirements of fairness and efficiency in the system arrangement.
There are many reasons for the low efficiency of China's institutional arrangement. First, the influence of traditional and foreign ideology and culture. The restriction of traditional ideology and culture is mainly in the lack of institutional principles and ethics to some universal principles. Second, the institutional environment, the Constitution and the basic institutional rules, can not meet the requirements of the rapid development of the society, and restrict the scope and effect of the system arrangement. Thirdly, the restriction of the system and the implementation of the system is mainly manifested in the rational limitations of the institutional owners, the entanglement of interests and the implementation of the system. It's not right.
In order to improve the effectiveness of the system arrangement, it is necessary to set up a correct concept of legal ethics and culture, carry out long-term propaganda and education, guarantee the legal system, and constantly open up new ways to improve the legal moral and cultural level of the whole society. At the same time, under the encouragement and guidance of the government, we should cultivate the basic conditions of the civil society and strengthen the public. The main consciousness of the people, the consciousness of rights and the sense of responsibility can promote the maturity of the civil society. Secondly, we need to emancipate the mind, break down the backward and conservative ideas, actively absorb the outstanding achievements of the world system civilization, and build a good institutional environment. Thirdly, we need to improve the system system, build a reasonable procedure, rule articles and institutional structure, and optimize the system. The implementation of the main body, objective conditions and implementation of the organization, with a corresponding mechanism to ensure that the implementation of the system in place accurately.



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