发布时间:2018-06-03 19:14
本文选题:宋恕 + 日本观 ; 参考:《湖北大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:近代以来,面对三千年未有之变局,中国的知识分子纷纷探索救国图存之道。内忧外患之下,了解西方、学习西方成为了时人的共识。但是在如何学习西方、学习西方的哪些内容上,却派别林立,如洋务派、中体西用派、维新派及后来的国粹派,各自有其主张及见解。日本作为中国一衣带水的邻邦,其明治维新后带来的国力的巨大提升对于中国的影响也日益显著,甲午战后学习日本更是成为一时风潮。而宋恕的改革思想及其言论,在晚清的知识分子中具有相当的影响力,其思想中无论政治、经济、社会生活等方面,都受到了日本因素的深刻影响。 宋恕作为中国近代改革中的先行者之一,其思想及其经历在当时的知识分子中都极具代表性,其改革思想中的许多方面对当时乃至现代社会都具有重要意义。而无论从其生活的时代还是宋恕自身,他的改革方略和思想都深受日本的影响。若不能深刻理解日本因素在宋恕改革思想中的地位,就难以了解其改革方略提出的根源、背景及其意义。 多年来,众多学者对宋恕等维新学者思想的诸多方面都进行了深刻分析,本文则更侧重于对宋恕思想所产生的背景因素及思想转变的过程进行考量。主要分为以下三个部分展开:第一部分主要介绍宋恕早期的维新思想和他对日本的研究,第二部分则是主要论述宋恕在甲午战后维新思想的转变。第三部分则侧重于日本之行对于宋恕思想所造成的影响并他所处的历史地位。
[Abstract]:Since modern times, faced with three thousand years of change, Chinese intellectuals have explored the way to save the nation. Under internal and external troubles, understanding the West and learning from the West has become a common understanding of the times. However, on how to learn from the West and what to learn from the West, there are various schools of thought, such as Westernization, Chinese and Western Utilities, Reformists and later quintessence Chinese, with their own opinions and opinions. As a neighboring country of China, Japan's great improvement in national strength after the Meiji Restoration became more and more significant, and learning from Japan after the Sino-Japanese War became a fad. Song Shu's reform thought and his opinions had considerable influence among the intellectuals in the late Qing Dynasty, and their thoughts were deeply influenced by the Japanese factors in political, economic, social life and so on. Song Shu, as one of the pioneers in the reform of modern China, his thoughts and experiences were very representative among the intellectuals at that time, and many aspects of his reform thought were of great significance to the modern society at that time. From the time of his life or Song Shu's own, his reform strategy and thought were deeply influenced by Japan. It is difficult to understand the origin, background and significance of the reform strategy if the Japanese factor is not understood deeply in Song Shu's reform thought. For many years, many scholars have carried on the profound analysis to many aspects of the reform scholars' thought such as Song Shu, and this article pays more attention to the background factor and the thought transformation process of the Song Shu thought. It is divided into the following three parts: the first part mainly introduces Song Shu's early reform thought and his research on Japan. The second part mainly discusses the transformation of Song Shu's reform thought after the Sino-Japanese War. The third part focuses on the influence of Japanese trip on Song Shu's thought and his historical position.
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