本文选题:消极自由 + 积极自由 ; 参考:《西南大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文主要探析了以赛亚.伯林(Isaiah.Berlin)的两种自由概念和价值多元论。开篇以二十世纪自由主义遭遇的政治、道德困境为切入口,引出了伯林对观念史的审视,并得出结论:困境源于对理性一元论的膜拜和消极自由的缺失。随后,文章采用文献梳理的方法,在综合现有的伯林译著及相关研究材料的基础上,引用文本对自由思想进行辩证分析,以及对价值多元论给予系统论述和简要评价,总结出伯林自由观的独特性与意义所在。 第一部分,本章以二十世纪自由理想的失落为背景,追寻伯林的“两种自由概念”的思想渊源,特别是其对贡斯当自由观的继承与发展。同时本文以英国经验主义自由传统为立足点来展开论述。 第二部分,详细介绍了伯林自由观的理论基础——价值多元论。首先,伯林的价值多元论建立在对西方理性主义一元论的批判之上,然后,伯林受益于“反潮流”思想家们的洞见,他总结出价值多元论的重要意义和思想价值。 第三部分,详细介绍和分析了“两种自由概念”,同时在界定两种自由的基础上,论述了两种自由的辩证关系。这两种自由包括积极自由和消极自由。其中,积极自由分为“自我克制”和“自我实现”,消极自由分为“免于强制”和“免于阻止”。两种自由都容易堕落到其反面,因此伯林告诫我们应该认真警惕积极自由,尽力维护消极自由。 第四部分,探询了伯林的自由观在观念史视闽内的意义和影响。首先,伯林的自由观为当代英美政治哲学奠定基础,其次发扬了自由主义“宽容”的核心理念。同时,伯林的自由观也有难以调和的困境,就是他自由概念与多元论的内在冲突,这从根本上动摇了自由价值的普遍性和优先性。文章最后,在困境之上又引出了伯林自由观的出路——约翰.格林所言的“竞争自由主义”。 结语部分,总结了伯林自由观的深刻内涵以及独特意义。
[Abstract]:This paper mainly analyzes Isaiah. Isaiah. Berlin's two concepts of liberty and pluralism of values. Starting with the political and moral dilemma encountered by liberalism in the 20th century, it leads to Berlin's examination of the history of ideas, and concludes that the dilemma originates from the worship of rational monism and the lack of negative freedom. Then, the article adopts the method of literature combing, on the basis of synthesizing the existing translated works and related research materials, quotes the text to carry on the dialectical analysis to the free thought, and gives the systematic discussion and the brief appraisal to the value pluralism. Summed up the unique and significance of Berlin's view of freedom. In the first part, based on the loss of the ideal of freedom in the 20th century, this chapter seeks to trace the ideological origin of Berlin's concept of "two kinds of freedom", especially its inheritance and development of the concept of freedom. At the same time, this article based on the British empiricism freedom tradition to discuss. In the second part, the author introduces in detail the theoretical basis of Berlin's theory of freedom-value pluralism. First of all, Berlin's value pluralism is based on the criticism of western rationalism monism, and then, Berlin benefits from the insights of "anti-trend" thinkers, he sums up the important significance and ideological value of value pluralism. In the third part, the concept of "two kinds of freedom" is introduced and analyzed in detail. At the same time, the dialectical relationship between the two kinds of freedom is discussed on the basis of defining the two kinds of freedom. These two freedoms include positive freedom and negative freedom. Among them, positive freedom is divided into self-restraint and self-actualization, negative freedom is divided into exemption from coercion and immunity from prevention. Both freedoms tend to fall into the opposite, so Berlin cautions that we should be careful about positive freedoms and do our best to preserve negative freedoms. The fourth part explores the significance and influence of Berlin's concept of freedom in the history of ideas. First, Berlin's view of freedom laid the foundation for contemporary British and American political philosophy, and then carried forward the core idea of liberalism "tolerance". At the same time, Berlin's concept of freedom is also difficult to reconcile, that is, the inherent conflict between his concept of freedom and pluralism, which fundamentally shakes the universality and priority of the value of freedom. At the end of the article, it leads to the outlet of Berlin's view of freedom-John. What Green calls "competitive liberalism". The conclusion summarizes the profound connotation and unique significance of Berlin's view of freedom.
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