发布时间:2018-07-05 02:26
本文选题:章士钊 + 政党 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:清末民初,是革命风起云涌、政局诡谲多变的时期,随着辛亥革命的枪声响起,清王朝被推翻,国家进入一个新的历史抉择期,而政体的选择在这时成了最为迫切的问题。从20世纪初晚清的立宪动议与预备立宪,至袁世凯强令解散第一届国会,近代中国的政体学说经历了从形成到兴盛的历史过程。回顾这一时期的政体学说,由于现实政治的需要,,当时思想界对这个问题的探讨相当热烈而深入,在这种百家争鸣的状态下,涌现出了众多著名的政论家。研究政体问题的成果的不断涌现。一个世纪后,我们仍然在经历复杂的社会转型,政治体制改革任重而道远,探析清末民初之际中国首次政体试验中典型人物的政体思想,对中国当今政治体制改革仍然意义重大。 作为清末民初有名的思想家、政论家,章士钊以一个独立学者的身份,就当时中国的政体选择,构建等问题,发表了诸多政治观点,有着系统的政治主张。为了使中国的政治环境得到根本改善,他提出政治之根本在于“有容”、在于“不好同恶异”;在中央与地方关系上,他又提出应当在立法上集权,行政上分权;他极力宣传政党政治,不厌其烦的说明政党的关键在政纲与党德,为此甚至提出轰动一时的“毁党造党”说;他积极主张内阁制,并对内阁制和总统制的利弊有深刻的见解,最为推崇政党内阁制;章士钊提出的诸如此类的一些主张,使章士钊在中国近代政治思想史上留下了深深的烙印,虽然由于近代中国缺乏建立民主政治的必备条件,随着国民党军权政治的建立,章士钊的诸多政体主张最终成了无花之果,即便如此,章士钊在我国近代政体思想史上所起的作用,仍是不可替代,无法磨灭的。
[Abstract]:At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, it was a period of revolution and political uncertainty. With the gunfire of the Revolution of 1911, the Qing Dynasty was overthrown, the country entered a new historical choice period, and the choice of government became the most urgent problem at this time. From the constitutional motion and preparatory constitutionalism in the late Qing Dynasty in the early 20th century to the dissolution of the first Congress by Yuan Shikai, the theory of polity in modern China has experienced a historical process from formation to prosperity. Looking back on the theory of polity in this period, due to the need of realistic politics, the discussion of this problem was very heated and thorough in the ideological circle at that time, and in this state of "a hundred schools of thought contending", many famous political commentators emerged. The fruits of the study of polity have sprung up. A century later, we are still undergoing a complicated social transformation, and the reform of the political system has a long way to go. This paper explores the political ideology of the typical figures in China's first political system experiment at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. It is still of great significance to the reform of China's political system today. As a famous thinker and political commentator in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, Zhang Shizhao, as an independent scholar, put forward a lot of political viewpoints on the choice and construction of political system in China at that time. In order to make the political environment of China improve fundamentally, he proposed that the fundamental of politics lies in "having tolerance" and "not good at the same and evil differences", and in the relations between the central and local governments, he also proposes that the power should be centralized in legislation, and the administrative power should be divided. He tried his best to propagate party politics, explaining that the key to a political party lay in its platform and party morality. For this reason, he even put forward the sensational theory of "destroying the party and building the party." he actively advocated the cabinet system and had profound views on the advantages and disadvantages of the cabinet system and the presidential system. The cabinet system of political parties is most highly respected; some of the ideas put forward by Zhang Shizhao, such as these, have left a deep mark on the history of political thought in modern China, although the lack of necessary conditions for the establishment of democratic politics in modern China has left a deep impression on Zhang Shizhao. With the establishment of the Kuomintang military power politics, many polity claims of Zhang Shizhao are finally the fruit of no flowers. Even so, the role of Zhang Shizhao in the history of political system in modern China is irreplaceable and indelible.
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