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发布时间:2018-07-05 11:52

  本文选题:明末 + 公私视域 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2011年博士论文

【摘要】:明代是中国古代皇权专制加强的一个时期,但是明朝仍然摆脱不了内忧外患、进而被新王朝取代的历史宿命。明末以黄宗羲、王夫之、顾炎武为代表的思想家,身处易代之际,痛定思痛,对于君主专制体制进行深刻的反思,并提出政治改革的构想。 他们的政治批判和体制构想是以公私之辨为线索的。君主之私和天下之公的对立为明末政治思想的展开提供了广阔的空间。明末思想家批判君主之私,认为君主之私是王朝所有政治问题的总根源。这种批判的意义首先在于否定了君主专制的合理性。君主专制的合法性建立在君主具备高尚的道德或能为社会提供秩序的功能之上,而君主的自私本性不仅与君主专制理论的前提假设相违背,更是社会失序、混乱而至覆灭的主要原因。 基于君主的自私,明末思想家提出要调整君臣之间伦理关系,原来父子式的君臣关系被否定,而代之以师友式的平等、独立关系。君臣之间以道义而结合,因天下之公的职能而平等合作。因此,他们提出君臣分权共治的主张,建立一个以官僚士大夫为主导的政治体制。 他们批判专制君主的法治手段只以维护自己的产业为目的,根本不为天下之公着想。法治束缚了官僚士大夫,使他们处于无权和岌岌自危的状态,根本就没有能力和精力去行使公共职能,由此引发诸多问题,最终导致内忧外患。所以,限制君主之私,必须首先废除君主的一家之法,实行天下之法。 天下之法取代一家之法意味着制度改革,即对于政治体系内各个阶级、阶层、集团等政治主体的利益及其相互关系的调整和规范。以天下之公为目的,明末思想家力主强化官僚体系,增强士大夫在教育和人事选拔上的自主性,并通过地方分权来限制君主之私的扩张,同时,他们力主消除宦官和胥吏集团在政治体系中的不利影响,并缓和与作为官僚机构服务对象的农民和商人之间的矛盾。 明末思想家还肯定了私和欲的客观存在和合理性,但认为应该用理加以规范和约束。对于那种主张个性和欲望解放、破除一切权威的思想倾向则予以批驳,重新确定儒家正统思想的合法性。 总之,公私视域下的明末政治思想所构建的是一个以官僚士大夫及其意识形态为主导的政治体制,这是明末政治思想的实质和主要目的。
[Abstract]:The Ming Dynasty was a period of strengthening the autocracy in ancient China, but the Ming Dynasty still could not get rid of the internal and external troubles, and then was replaced by the historical fate of the new dynasty. At the end of Ming Dynasty, the thinkers represented by Huang Zongxi, Wang Fuzhi and Gu Yanwu, at the time of the change of generation, reflected deeply on the autocratic monarchy and put forward the idea of political reform. Their political criticism and institutional ideas are based on public-private debate. The opposition between the monarch's private and the universal public provided a wide space for the development of political thought in the late Ming Dynasty. In the late Ming Dynasty, thinkers criticized the private of the monarch, and thought that the private of the monarch was the general root of all the political problems of the dynasty. The significance of this criticism lies in denying the rationality of autocratic monarchy. The legitimacy of autocratic monarchy is based on the monarch having noble morality or the function of providing order for the society, and the monarch's selfish nature is not only contrary to the premise hypothesis of monarchy theory, but also social disorder. The main cause of chaos and extinction. Based on the monarch's selfishness, thinkers proposed to adjust the ethical relationship between monarchs and courtiers in the late Ming Dynasty. The original patriarchal relationship between monarchs and courtiers was denied and replaced by the equal and independent relationship between teachers and friends. The monarch and minister combine with morality and cooperate on an equal footing because of the functions of the public in the world. Therefore, they put forward the idea of the separation of monarchs and ministers and the establishment of a political system dominated by bureaucrats and bureaucrats. They criticized autocratic monarchs' rule of law for the sole purpose of preserving their own property, not for the world at all. The rule of law fetters bureaucrats and bureaucrats, making them in the state of being in danger of having no right or being in danger, and they simply do not have the ability and energy to carry out public functions, which leads to many problems, and finally leads to internal and external troubles. Therefore, to restrict the monarch's privacy, we must first abolish the monarch's law of one family and carry out the law of the world. Replacing the law of one family by the law of the world means the reform of the system, that is, the adjustment and regulation of the interests of the political subjects such as each class, stratum and group in the political system and their mutual relations. Aiming at the public of the world, thinkers in the late Ming Dynasty urged to strengthen the bureaucratic system, strengthen the autonomy of the literati and officials in education and personnel selection, and limit the expansion of the monarch's private interests through decentralization. At the same time, They urged the elimination of the unfavorable influence of eunuchs and petty officials in the political system and the easing of the contradiction with the peasants and merchants who served as bureaucratic objects. At the end of Ming Dynasty, thinkers affirmed the objective existence and rationality of private peace desire, but thought that it should be regulated and restricted by reason. The ideological tendency of personality and desire emancipation is refuted and the legitimacy of Confucian orthodoxy is reconfirmed. In a word, the political ideology of the late Ming Dynasty under the public and private perspective is a political system dominated by bureaucrats and their ideologies, which is the essence and main purpose of the political thoughts of the late Ming Dynasty.


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1 刘伯涵;;对崇祯末年宫中存银问题的几点看法[A];明史研究论丛(第三辑)[C];1985年




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