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发布时间:2018-10-13 09:12
[Abstract]:The moral politics put forward by Xu Fuguan is the contemporary pattern of Chinese political tradition of rule of etiquette. The key of moral politics is that patriarchal value order rises to political order through personality value order. "Gongfu" theory is the internal mechanism of this sublimation process, which leads to the absence of the masses in moral politics. In the political practice of Zhou Dynasty, due to the change of Yin and Zhou, the cultural adaptation of the two groups has changed, which has produced the politics of etiquette and government with the interaction of etiquette and custom as the mechanism. It is also a contemporary interpretation of the change of Yin and Zhou dynasties. Xu Fuguan's moral politics is based on the context of one of the groups' cultural adaptations, and neglects the way that the villagers themselves are associated with the intellectual elite because of their reverence for tradition. This is the reason for the limitation of its moral and political structure. In the thought development of Xu Fuguan, he put forward the "peasant based politics" in the early stage, but with the self-identity increasingly biased towards the intellectual elite and gradually deviated from the "peasant politics". The investigation of Xu Fuguan's "peasant politics" resets the starting point of Xu Fuguan's thought research, and can make multiple understandings of his proposition of "one-man dictatorship" and "intellectual politics". The emergence of Taiwan's peasant politics is a confirmation of Xu Fuguan's view of peasant politics.
【作者单位】: 中国传媒大学文学院;


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