[Abstract]:By studying the developed capitalist countries, especially the old members of the European Union, the diversity school of capitalism puts forward four capitalist models: the Anglo-Saxon model, the Nordic model, the continental European model and the Mediterranean model. The authors believe that previous studies of the capitalist diversity school were aimed at OECD members or old European Union members, and therefore did not cover the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. As a new member of the European Union, the central and eastern European countries do not agree with the four models of capitalist diversity proposed in the literature. Through cluster analysis, the author thinks that the central and eastern European countries have formed a new model which is different from the existing model, that is, the capitalist model of central and eastern Europe. The central and eastern European model is characterized by a lack of capital, a fragile civil society, and the influence of the European Union and other international organizations on new member states. Also due to these factors more than 20 years ago due to the institutional changes in post-communist countries there was a special division of labor between the new and old member states of the European Union. This asymmetrical interdependence will exist for a long time. In the long run, this would make the Lisbon strategy of developing an integrated Europe into an innovation-driven economy a fantasy.
【作者单位】: 匈牙利塞格德大学经济与工商管理学院金融与国际经济关系研究所;南开大学马克思主义学院;
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