[Abstract]:With the promotion and deepening of urbanization, the problem of urban rights is highlighted. Urban rights are the rights of the subject-both urban citizens and rural residents-to obtain basic living, living and urban management in this space of the city. With the development of urbanization and the formation of urban society, this right has become an important right. In the 1970s, Lefevre wrote "Urban Rights" and reflected on the problem of modern urbanization. At the same time, Harvey published Social Justice and City, reflecting deeply on the relationship between urban rights and social justice. In 2003, Michelle published Urban Rights, which made a special study on the relationship between urban rights and public space. In 2011, Sawyer published searching for Spatial Justice, which explored the spatial nature of urban rights. This paper makes a philosophical reflection on urban rights from the dimension of subjectivity. The author believes that the essence of rights is the subjectivity of human beings in the complex relationship between "intersubjectivity" and "subjective and objective". Urban right is the spatial development of subjectivity, the realization of spatialization, the production of human subjectivity in space, and the development of city.
【作者单位】: 上海市社会科学院哲学研究所;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金重点项目“城市哲学与城市批评史研究”(11AZD058)的阶段性成果 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”的资助
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