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发布时间:2016-08-25 18:27



     2009-8-2 21:11:00     来源:     


论文单位中共江苏省委党校,点击次数2,论文页数47页File Size577K

Jinling school of thought; Islamism; Confusion idea;civilization conscious; talk between civilizations
At the last period of Ming dynasty, Hui nationality had shown up. Chinese had been the common language of Hui nationality, and they deem Arabian or Bosi language to be foreign language. This made Islamism hardly developed in China. However, at Yuan dynasty and earlier Ming dynasty, Muslin distributed over all china and gather partly. Muslin who gather together in Nanjing and the station of special economy, politics and culture had brought up Zhangzhong (born at Suzhou, studing at Nanjing), Wangdaiyu, Liuzhi, Mazhu, Jintianzhu, etc, who are familiar with four religions and are scholar of Jingling school of thought of Chinese Islamism .They deeply thought of theirselves’nationality and their religion by highly sense of historical mission and sense of duty. They initiated“explaining Alcoran with Confusion”movement. The movement and it’s practice essencely is the talk, interflow and mix between Islam civilization and Chinsese Confusion idea. It had improved the process which gives Islamism much more Chinese feature and find a suitable way for Islamism’s development in China. And it has great influence. Now, we think that the historical talk between Islam civilization and Confusion idea is a classical example that Hui nationality looked for theirselves’survivals and development, then, they had consciously changed the way of civilization and got success finally. It not only has great historical sense, but also the actual sense.





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