本文关键词:中国现代伊斯兰学者达浦生《伊斯兰六书》研究 出处:《西北民族大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 达浦生 《伊斯兰六书》 内容分析 思想研究 意义
【摘要】:摘要:达浦生先生是我国著名的大阿訇、伊斯兰教育家,他的一生不仅在伊斯兰教的研究上成果丰厚、独树一帜,其高尚的爱国情操、不凡的个人修持也是影响深远。《伊斯兰六书》作为达浦生先生在新时代、新环境下论述伊斯兰教义、教理和教制的专著,集中体现了达浦生先生的宗教思想。《伊斯兰六书》的付梓问世,不仅是对伊斯兰教在中国一以贯之的学术源流的继承与发扬,更是填补了新时期这一领域的空白,具有承上启下的重要意义。 《伊斯兰六书》对于伊斯兰教的来龙去脉以及伊斯兰教所蕴含的教育理念、伦理思想、宇宙观等等问题都作了详尽的论述和阐发,而且还涉及到了现代科学、哲学等思想。最重要的是达浦生先生在《伊斯兰六书》里做到了“熔新旧于一炉”,他很严谨地吸收了前辈学人刘智、马注等伊斯兰学术家的思想,并且在取其正确思想的基础上,又站在更高的起点上,以经训为依据,对伊斯兰教作了更全面、更正确的理论阐述,这对于正人视听以明伊斯兰教具有重要的现实价值。 本论文旨在通过对《伊斯兰六书》研读的情况下,通过对其内容进行分析,就其所包含的思想结合前时代学者的思想进行了对比分析,对《伊斯兰六书》的博取古今、吞古纳新的特点进行了阐释。重点通过对达浦生先生生平研究作为出发点,对《伊斯兰六书》的内容作了的简要介绍归纳,然后对其思想尤其是哲学思想、教育思想与伦理思想作了分节论述。 但是作为《伊斯兰六书》这样一部煌煌大著,本论文所撷取的不过海水一杯,加上目前学术界对于《伊斯兰六书》的研究也只处于起步阶段,所用资料有限,所以本论文在研究方面所为有限。
[Abstract]:Absrtact: Mr. Dapusheng is a famous imam and educator of Islam in our country. His life is not only rich in the research of Islam, but also unique in his noble patriotism. Extraordinary personal practice is also far-reaching. "the six books of Islam" as a monographs of Mr. Dapusheng's discourse on the teachings, teachings and systems of Islam in the new era and in the new environment. It embodies the religious thought of Mr. Dapusheng. The publication of "the six Books of Islam" is not only the inheritance and development of the academic source of Islam in China. It also fills up the blank in this field in the new period, and has the important significance of connecting the past with the following. The six books of Islam have made a detailed exposition and elucidation on the history of Islam and the educational ideas, ethical thoughts, cosmology and so on contained in Islam, and also related to modern science. Philosophy and other ideas. The most important thing is that in "the six books of Islam," Mr. Dapusheng "melts the old and new in a furnace", he is very strict to absorb the ideas of the predecessors Liu Zhi, Ma Zhu and other Islamic scholars. And on the basis of taking its correct thought, and standing on a higher starting point, with the training as the basis, made a more comprehensive, more correct theoretical elaboration of Islam. This is of great practical value to the orthodox people and to the Ming Islam. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the content of the six Islamic Books through the study of their contents, and to make a comparative analysis of their ideas combined with the thoughts of the pre-era scholars. This paper expounds the new characteristics of Tun Guna in "the six Books of Islam", and introduces briefly the contents of "the six Books of Islam" through the study of Mr. Dapusheng's life as the starting point. Then it discusses its thought, especially philosophy thought, education thought and ethics thought. However, as such a great work, this paper can only capture a cup of seawater, coupled with the current academic research on the "six Islamic Books" is only in its infancy, and the use of data is limited. So the research of this paper is limited.
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