发布时间:2018-02-01 14:31
本文关键词: 韩霖 《铎书》 天主教 社会秩序 出处:《重庆师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:《铎书》成书于崇祯十四年(1641年),是韩霖应山西绛州知州孙顺之命,为宣讲明太祖的“圣谕六言”,维系社会道德秩序而撰写的一部结构严谨、内容丰富的带有官方色彩的小册子;同时,他在宣讲时不着痕迹的将天主教思想融入,使其在某些程度上与儒家思想相融合,无形中将天主教传入山西绛州,所以它还是韩霖积极的弘教著作,是山西天主教史上重要的著作。书中吸收了大量传教士的中文著作,还引用了许多儒家经典和一些历史文化名人的言论,重点阐述了明太祖“圣谕六言”中的六大部分:“孝顺父母”“尊敬长上”“教训子孙”“和睦乡里”“各安生理”“毋作非为”,,目的就是为了达到传播天主教和重建明末社会道德秩序的双重目的。 本文分为五部分,运用历史学的方法,侧重于从社会秩序的建立方面来探讨《铎书》中所包涵的丰富思想,并结合西方天主教思想和中国儒家思想,较为全面的探析《铎书》中所体现出来的韩霖的思想。 《铎书》的出现。文艺复兴运动打破了中世纪神学的桎梏,宗教改革运动使人们进一步摆脱了天主教会的思想禁锢,再加上地理大发现使一些国家开始了殖民掠夺的历程。到明末时,大批耶稣会士来华传教,并在广度和深度上都取得了一定的成效。例如在山西,经过传教士和韩霖等地方士绅的努力,绛州成为中国当时最成功的教区之一。韩霖家庭富裕,十五岁就随兄游历,藏书数万卷,并结识众多名士,他曾跟随徐光启学习农政和兵法,跟随高一志学习铳法,有很好的文化基础。入教后奉教虔诚,在宣讲明太祖“圣谕六言”的同时融入天主教思想,以达到传播天主教和维系社会道德秩序的双重目的。 家庭教化思想。《铎书》主要阐述了六大部分,建立了自己的伦理道德体系。本文将其中的“孝顺父母”“尊敬长上”“教训子孙”归结为家庭教化思想。“父母”“长上”“子孙”都被赋予了不同于平常之语的涵义,以“敬天爱人”为主线索,重点强调了孝顺父母、教训子孙的重要性以及如何孝顺父母、尊敬长上、教训子孙。 社会伦理秩序。根据《铎书》自己的伦理道德体系,本文将其中的“和睦乡里”“各安生理”“毋作非为”归结为社会伦理秩序,这部分和家庭教化思想在文中占有很大的比重。同样,在《铎书》对“生理”“非为”都有自己的理解和阐释的基础上,指出如何和睦乡里,富人、穷人、邻人都有自己的义务与本分;如何“各安本分”以及如何“为善去恶”。 《铎书》中包含有丰富的家庭教化思想和社会伦理秩序,其思想吸收了天主教、儒家等各家的精华,作为天主教徒的韩霖隐讳的在书中对天主教理论有某种程度上的借鉴。另外,韩霖作《铎书》是受官方之命,宣讲明太祖“圣谕六言”,可见其对重建当时的社会秩序的意义。但是,《铎书》思想仍带有明显的局限性,我们应该用辩证的、科学的态度研究它,对其内容有批判的继承。
[Abstract]:It is an important book in Shanxi ' s Catholic history . It has absorbed a lot of Confucian classics and some historical and cultural celebrities . It also cites many Confucian classics and some historical and cultural celebrities . This paper is divided into five parts , which is based on the method of historical science , which focuses on the discussion of the rich thoughts contained in Tudor ' s book from the establishment of social order , and combines the western Catholic ideas and the Chinese Confucianism , and probes into the thought of Han Lin , which is embodied in the ancient Tudor ' s book . The Renaissance movement broke the shackles of the medieval theology , and the movement of the Reformation led to further freedom from the thought of the Catholic Church . In the end of the Ming Dynasty , a large number of Jesusts came to China to teach , and made certain achievements in breadth and depth . For example , in Shanxi , through missionaries and Han Lin , Jiang became one of the most successful lessons in China . In this paper , " the descendants of filial piety " and " descendants " of " filial piety parents " are assigned to the family teaching thought . " The descendants of the parents " are endowed with the meaning different from the ordinary language . The emphasis is on filial piety , filial piety , the importance of teaching children and how to filial piety to their parents , respect the long and the children . In this paper , the author points out how to harmony the country , the rich , the poor and the neighbors to have their own obligations and their own points , how to " each safety standard " and how to " evil evil " . There are rich family teaching thoughts and social ethical order in Tudor ' s book , which absorbs the essence of the Catholic , Confucianism and so on . In addition , Han Lin , as the Catholic , has a certain degree of reference to the Catholic doctrine in the book .
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