[Abstract]:This article is to explore and study the evolution of Buddhism's legal thoughts. Taking the historical sequence as a clue, this paper expounds the views of different sects on this issue, and analyzes the origin of their thoughts, so as to be more logical. Systematically show the whole view of Buddhist legal thought. The main body of the article is divided into three parts: the legal thought of primitive Buddhism, the legal thought of ministry Buddhism and the legal thought of Mahayana Buddhism. As for the thought of "Dharma without ego" in primitive Buddhism, after expounding the connotation of "Unself Theory", this article mainly focuses on demonstrating from different angles, revealing the inherent logical connection between "Unself" and origin, impermanence and suffering. With regard to the Dharma thought of the Ministry Buddhism, this paper focuses on two of the most representative schools of thought: the Ministry of all and the Department of Classics, while the others are simply introduced, reflecting the contending state of a hundred schools of thought during the period of the Ministry and School of thought from their different views. It also points out that the root of the division's difference lies in their wrong understanding of the Buddha's origin. Mahayana Buddhism is divided into two main sects: the Middle School and the Yoga School. This paper analyzes the ideological opposition of the Middle School to the "real existence" theory in the period of the Ministry School, and at the same time inherits Xing Kong's thought of Prajna study, and expounds the origin of the Middle School's thought of Xing Kong. And from the point of view of "eight no origin" and "truth and custom", the true connotation of all the thoughts of law and space in the school of middle school is carried out. The last part of this paper is the legalistic thought of the Yoga School, which first briefly describes its "five hundred laws" view of the law, and then discusses in more detail the definition of the nature of Wanfa by the "three self-nature" of the school. Finally, the author puts forward the view of the essence of all the dharma of this party: the knowledge of all dharma. In the conclusion, what this article wants to express is the significance of Buddhism's discussion on the nature of all the Dharma existence, that is, if we do not have a correct grasp of the Dharma nature, all living beings will not be able to achieve true liberation.
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