
发布时间:2017-12-27 04:03

  本文关键词:基于GIS的青川县滑坡灾害易发性评价与区划 出处:《西南科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 滑坡灾害 易发性评价 信息量法 典型滑坡点 防治

[Abstract]:Qingchuan county is located in Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi at the junction of the high terrain in the northwest, southeast low, complex geological environment, the landslide disaster is our country by one of the worst affected areas, has seriously restricted the local social and economic development. Based on the detailed investigation of geological disasters in Sichuan County of Qingchuan Province, according to the collected data and field survey data, analyzes the natural geographical conditions and geological environment of the study area, discusses the landslide formation condition, development mechanism, distribution characteristics and influencing factors. On this basis, the selection of slope, relative elevation, lithology, distance from the fault, highway, water distance and average annual rainfall as the evaluation index, using ARCGIS software, extract the relevant data layer, established information quantity evaluation model, to achieve the partition evaluation of landslide hazards in Qingchuan County of susceptibility. At the same time, the typical landslide points are selected to verify the evaluation results. Finally, the Countermeasures of landslide disaster prevention and control are put forward. The following research results have been achieved: 1. Based on the detailed analysis of the natural geographical environment and regional geological environment, the development characteristics, formation mechanism and influencing factors of landslide in the study area are analyzed. The landslide disaster in the study area is mainly characterized by large quantity and wide distribution, and the distribution of the administrative region is uneven in time and space, but the distribution is more concentrated in the area. 2, the distribution characteristics of landslide hazard in the study area are analyzed. In terms of topography and landform, landslides are mainly distributed in low mountain geomorphic area, where the terrain height difference is large and cutting is intense, and it is easy to induce landslide hazard for human settlements. In time, the landslide occurred mainly in 6-8 months, and the rainy season is the easy period of landslide disaster. 3, based on the analysis on Influencing Factors of landslide disasters in the study area, the construction of slope, relative elevation, lithology, fault, highway, water from the distance and the average annual rainfall of 7 factors of the evaluation index system, using the GIS software, the information model of landslide susceptibility assessment. The results show that: Qingchuan County landslide disaster prone areas of high area of 688.72km2, accounting for 21.41% of the total area of the county; landslide prone area is 1455.24km2, accounting for 45.25% of the total area of the county; landslide prone areas of low and micro area of 1072.27km2, accounting for 33.34% of the total area of the county. The results of the evaluation coincide with the actual survey. 4, select the typical landslide point, after field investigation and laboratory test, then analyze the characteristics of landslide, sliding bed, sliding surface and landslide deformation and failure, and use the transfer coefficient method to evaluate the stability. It is concluded that the typical landslide sites are all in a stable state. Under the rainstorm condition, the landslide is basically stable, and the safety reserve is low. It is easy to occur more large-scale deformation under heavy rainfall or continuous rainfall. 5, according to the results of stability analysis of landslide prone areas and typical disaster points in the study area, measures for group decision making prevention, relocation, avoidance and engineering management are put forward.


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