本文关键词:Majorana超导混合体系的输运性质研究 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 拓扑超导体 超导电极 电流 量子点 Majorana费米子
[Abstract]:Due to the potential application of non Abel Fermi Zi in topological quantum computer, it has attracted widespread attention. The study found that a completely obey the non Abel statistics physical entity is zero energy state of Majorana fermions. Therefore, people have done a theoretical calculation and a series of experiments to explore the nature of Majorana. In order to explore the Majorana fermion fermion effect on the transport properties of four coupled quantum dots are studied in this paper on the Majorana fermion system by using nonequilibrium Green's function method of transport properties. For comparison, we also calculated the transport situation without coupling Majorana fermions. The first, we studied in superconducting normal hybrid four terminal electrode, change curve of superconducting terminal current. The results showed that Majorana has a role in the modulation of the fermion superconducting end current. An interesting phenomenon is current with the normal side bias (N2) There is a peak curve, which is the result of interference between Majorana fermions. Subsequently, we studied in superconducting normal hybrid four terminal electrode under the curve of normal terminal current. N2 terminal current changes with the cycle phase is 4?, this phenomenon further concludes that as long as the inquiry system in the presence of Majorana fermions and Majorana coupling between fermions can not zero, there will be 4 N2 end of the current cycle.? this could become a method for detection of Majorana fermions. Finally, in order to achieve better detection of Majorana fermions in experiment, we will try to lower the normal electrode (N4) for decoupling. The three terminal electrode, calculation of N2 end of the current cycle of change, that period is 2?. so only in the four to 4 terminal electrode? Cycle.
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