本文选题:大汶河流域 + SWAT模型 ; 参考:《山东农业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the problem of water resources management becoming more and more serious, it is an effective way to use hydrological model to simulate the process of water circulation in watersheds.In this paper, with the help of SWAT model and the Davin River basin as the study area, the rate of parameters is determined by SUFI-2 method, and the objective function is Nash-Sutcliffe.An image preprocessing system, which is convenient for input data preprocessing, was developed, and 16 iterations were carried out for 8 groups of Davin River basin data (Dem data and land use data with different resolutions) from 2008 to 2009. Each iteration was simulated 300 times.Finally, this study verified that the resolution of both Dem data and land use data was 30 mg. The main results included the following aspects: 1) the most sensitive group of six groups of resolution matching combinations.Three parameters are analyzed,The six most sensitive parameters of each combination are the same.They are SCS runoff curve, soil wet bulk density, soil saturation permeability coefficient, average slope gradient, average slope gradient, average specific gradient, average specific drop, 伪 factor of basic flow and ALPHABNKN, which indicate the sensitivity of different resolution combinations to the parameters of model simulation.The optimal values of the six parameters are different at different resolution combinations.In this study, the elevation, basin area, river network structure, subbasin characteristics and runoff characteristics of eight groups of combinations with different resolution were analyzed respectively.The results show that the elevation, basin area and river network structure are all extracted from DEM data. Under the same DEM data of the same source and the same data precision, the simulation of different resolution combinations has little effect on the three watershed features.The three eigenvalues of each combination are basically the same, but they have a certain effect on the number of HRU, the length of the channel and the runoff of the subbasin.In the resolution matching combination, with the decrease of the resolution of each combination, the number of HRU, the length of the river channel and the runoff of the sub-watershed are all decreasing. The average annual runoff of the simulated channel length under the combination of 30 ~ 30 resolution is the closest to the measured data.Among them, the deviation of channel length is only -1.07.The HRU number of combination with high land use resolution is the basic unit of hydrological calculation of SWAT hydrological model, and it also affects the runoff, in the combination of mismatch resolution, the combination with high land use resolution is the basic unit for hydrological calculation of SWAT hydrological model.However, the characteristics of subbasin and the length of channel do not change with the change of resolution combination. The experimental results show that the characteristics of subbasin and the length of channel are affected by DEM resolution.But not affected by the resolution of land use data. (3) in this study, the surface runoff of model calibration period and 30 m resolution DEM and land use data combination verification period were compared with each other under different resolution combinations.For satisfactory simulation results.By adding two sets of resolution mismatch combinations to simulate, it is concluded that the SWAT model will automatically unify the data with the highest resolution when the data resolution is not matched.However, when the spatial data resolution of the model is not matched, there is a certain difference between the simulation results when the average annual runoff is matched with the resolution.This shows that it is necessary to unify the resolution of input spatial data before model simulation.
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