
发布时间:2018-04-28 06:35

  本文选题:河北省 + 降水入渗补给系数 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The coefficient of precipitation infiltration and recharge is an important factor affecting the evaluation of groundwater resources. It can make a rational development and utilization planning of water resources and formulate economic and social development strategies. To enhance the sustainable use of water resources and the most stringent water resources management to provide technical support. Groundwater in plain area of Hebei Province has been in the state of high intensity exploitation for more than 30 years, which causes the underground water level to decrease continuously, the buried depth increases continuously, and the parameters related to the buried depth change accordingly. The original data can not truly reflect the current situation of water resources under the underlying condition. Therefore, it is of great theoretical significance and practical value to revise the results of the secondary evaluation of water resources in Hebei Province. In this paper, the plain area of Hebei Province is selected as the study area. Based on the previous research results, the changes of the underlying surface conditions in the central and eastern plain in recent years are considered. Based on the buried depth data of 167 monitoring wells in the plain area of Hebei Province from 1991 to 2015 and the precipitation data of the corresponding locations, the dynamic method is used to calculate the infiltration and recharge coefficients of the flood season and the annual precipitation in the central and eastern plain areas of Hebei Province, through the lithologic zoning. The data are classified to determine the relationship curve between infiltration coefficient and buried depth of different lithology and different precipitation grade. The water balance method is used to analyze the annual precipitation infiltration and recharge coefficients in the control basin of Xiabo Hydrologic Station in Hengshui City and the Yunxi area of Cangzhou County, Cangzhou City. The equilibrium of groundwater in the study area was analyzed in the dry typical year, and the leakage recharge, lateral runoff, irrigation, shallow groundwater exploitation, evaporation and overrun flow were calculated respectively. The water balance formula is used to calculate the precipitation infiltration recharge in the region, and then the annual precipitation infiltration recharge coefficient is obtained. Comparing the calculation results of water balance method and dynamic method in typical area, analyzing the precipitation infiltration and recharge coefficient of this study, summarizing the precipitation infiltration and recharge coefficient under different lithology, different precipitation, different buried depth, comparing with the original results, choosing and choosing reasonably, The original coefficient is checked, the cause of formation is analyzed, and the contrast result is revised. Finally, the annual precipitation infiltration and recharge coefficient for the new primary water resources evaluation is given. Finally, comparing the results of water balance method and dynamic method in typical areas, it is found that the results of the two methods are close, which indicates that the precipitation infiltration and recharge coefficient of this study is more reasonable. The value of precipitation infiltration and recharge coefficient in this study is slightly smaller than that of the original "38" item, mainly because the thickness of aeration zone, lithology, water content, surface vegetation coverage and planting structure have all changed in the last 30 years in the plain area of Hebei Province.


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