发布时间:2018-05-25 20:00
本文选题:裂隙带 + 热储类型 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Yunnan is rich in geothermal resources and has a variety of types. Great progress has been made in the study of geothermal resources in the early period. However, there are few inductive classification and formation condition analysis of main controlled heat storage in fracture zone. In order to deeply understand the basic characteristics and cause of formation of the main controlled heat storage in fracture zone, and to alleviate the effective and rational exploitation and utilization of geothermal resources by people at present, Therefore, this study was carried out. In this paper, by collecting and arranging the investigation data of predecessors, the heat source, heat storage, thermal fluid passage, caprock condition and hydrochemical characteristics of the main controlled geothermal storage system in the fracture zone are analyzed. Taking the typical example as the representative, the forming conditions and characteristics of the main controlled geothermal storage system in the fracture zone are explored, and the corresponding conceptual model of the origin is established. In this paper, the main controlled heat reservoir of fracture zone is divided into two types: fold fracture zone type heat type and intrusive rock fracture zone type heat type. Among them, the heat storage of the fold fracture zone can be divided into two subtypes: the stratified heat storage fold fracture zone and the zonal heat storage fracture zone, and the layered heat storage fold fracture zone can be divided into good cover layer heat storage fold fracture zone conduction type, and the stratified heat storage fracture zone can be divided into two types, which are the laminated heat storage fracture zone and the zonal heat storage fracture zone. There are four basic types of thermal reservoir fold fracture zone, which are exposed type, well controlled thermal type, good buried type of laminated thermal reservoir fold fissure zone, and well covered layer by layer heat storage fold fracture zone, the main thermal type is well covered layer by layer heat storage fold fracture zone, and 4 basic types of buried fracture zone are obtained. The thermal type of the zonal heat storage fracture zone can be divided into two basic types: the good caprock zonal heat storage fissure zone and the bad caprock zonal heat storage fissure zone, but the thermal type of the intrusive rock fracture zone is less distributed in Yunnan Province, so it has not been subdivided. In this paper, the geothermic characteristics of eight typical research sites are analyzed and compared by the geological background, geological structural conditions, hydrochemical properties of hot springs, and so on. This paper analyzes the cause of formation of typical examples of research type and establishes the corresponding conceptual model of origin. In the main controlled type of lamellar heat storage, the conduction type and the burial type are all sealed up in the past, and the degree of mineralization is generally high. Most of them are exposed on the axis of the fold core, revealing type, and main controlled thermal type have poor sealing ability. The fracture zone of zonal heat storage is a zonal (vein) type of heat storage, and the degree of groundwater circulation is relatively high. Most of them are developed in the vertical water-rich strata of the nuclear region, and there is no obvious aquifer vertically, and there is no obvious aquifer in the vertical direction. The formation of thermal type in the fissure zone of intrusive rock is similar to that of stratiform heat storage and conduction type, which can form middle and high temperature heat storage, and the degree of mineralization is generally higher.
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