本文选题:电离层-热层 + 非迁移潮汐 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The ionospheric-thermospheric system is an important area of the Earth's space environment and an important object of space weather research. The ionospheric thermosphere system changes significantly and has different space-time scales. This change is influenced by many aspects, in which solar radiation originates from the solar wind energy input. All kinds of fluctuations in the atmosphere are important factors that cause the ionospheric-thermosphere change. Ionospheric electron density and thermospheric neutral atmospheric density are important parameters to characterize the characteristics of ionospheric and thermospheric systems. The study of their changes is of great scientific significance in understanding the ionospheric and thermospheric systems. Due to the effects of heat and wave-wave interaction, tidal phenomena occur in the earth's atmosphere. By direct propagation or by the mechanism of the E layer generator, the parameters in the ionospheric thermosphere system produce wave-like structures varying with the longitude. Based on the data of electron density and atmospheric density observed by CHAMP and GRACE satellites, the relationship between background electron density and atmospheric density and solar activity is studied. The variation characteristics of electron density and atmospheric density with longitude in middle and low latitudes are analyzed and studied. The tidal signals of electron density and atmospheric density in middle and low latitudes are extracted by Fourier fitting method. The dependence of non-migrating tides on solar activity in the ionospheric-thermospheric system is emphatically analyzed. The main results of this paper are as follows: 1: 1. The mean longitude of electron density in F region of the ionosphere and the daily average value of atmospheric mass density in the thermosphere are closely related to solar activity. The mean longitude of electron density and the daily average of atmospheric mass density are higher in the high year of solar activity, and the electron density and atmospheric mass density are lower in the low year of solar activity. The mean longitude of electron density in the F region of the ionosphere shows obvious equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) phenomenon. The peak region is usually located in the magnetic latitude 卤8-20 掳, and the position of the peak region moves toward the equator in the low year of solar activity. The mean longitude of the ionospheric electron density shows obvious seasonal characteristics, the bipartite seasonal electron density is the largest, and the summer electron density is the lowest. During the cycle of 23 / 24 solar activity, the electron density of F layer in low latitudes in autumn has a four-wave structure with longitude distribution in the daytime, and disappears in the low-latitude region at night. With the decrease of solar activity, the amplitude of the four-wave structure decreases by .4. In the middle latitude local summer, the electron density in the F region of the ionosphere has one wave structure in the southern hemisphere and two wave structure in the northern hemisphere, and there is no local difference in the above wave structure. The distribution of atmospheric mass density with longitude in the middle latitude thermosphere also has a wave structure of .5. The absolute amplitude of the DE3 component in the F layer electron density in autumn and the absolute amplitude of the DE1 DO DW2 component in the middle latitude area in summer are closely related to solar activity. In the solar active years, these tidal components have a large absolute amplitude, but their relative amplitude is not strongly dependent on solar activity. The absolute amplitude of the D0 DW2 ~ (2 +) SPW1 component in the atmospheric mass density of the mid-latitude thermosphere is closely related to the solar activity. In the high year of solar activity, these tidal components have a large absolute amplitude, and their relative amplitude has no clear correlation with the solar activity. In autumn, the relative amplitude of DE3 component in electron density has obvious QBO modulation effect, which is similar to the QBO effect in E layer reported previously. This phenomenon indicates that there is a coupling phenomenon between the non-migrating tides in the E and F regions in the low latitudes. However, the QBO effect is not found in the non-migrating tidal components DE1D0D0DW2 in the mid-latitude region, which means that these tidal components are produced in the F layer.
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