[Abstract]:As an important research direction of statistics, change point problem is widely used in finance, meteorology and other fields. In this paper, we discuss the multivariate point problem of the scale parameter in the independent Gamma distribution, and use the reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm (RJMCMC) to calculate the posterior distribution of the parameter and the position of the change point. Based on the RJMCMC algorithm, the yield of continuous rise and fall is studied and analyzed. In the first chapter, the origin of the change point problem is briefly summarized, the application research of the change point problem in different fields is described, and several common research methods are introduced. Finally, the research status of the single change point problem and the variable point problem is introduced. In the second chapter, Bayesian method is introduced, and some researches on Bayesian variable point problem are listed. The concepts of Gamma distribution and Gamma distribution family and the application of Gamma distribution in reality are described. At the end of chapter 2, the hypothesis of the model and the prior distribution of some parameters are given. In chapter 3, the RJMCMC algorithm is proposed on the basis of Bayesian estimation Monte Carlo method and M-H algorithm. The steps of RJMCMC algorithm are given, and the acceptance probability of four transformations based on RJMCMC algorithm for Gamma distribution is calculated. In chapter 4, a simulation example is designed to verify the correctness and efficiency of RJMCMC method. First, the Gamma distribution sequence with variation points is generated, and the number of change points is estimated by using RJMCMC algorithm, and compared with SN method. The fifth chapter carries on the empirical analysis, uses the RJMCMC algorithm to carry on the change point detection analysis to the Shanghai stock market index from 2000 to 2015, finds out the change point which exists in the data, according to the location of the change point, Looking for the change of policy near the variable structure point and analyzing the sixth chapter, aiming at the panel data, taking the mean common change point test statistic based on the least square method to discuss the existence and estimation of the common change point of the panel data. The daily returns of six major stock markets, such as Nasdaq Xetra DAXG Hangseng, are analyzed empirically. The seventh chapter summarizes this paper, and gives the deficiency and prospect.
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