[Abstract]:The polarization characteristics of light-matter interaction provide a scientific basis for the application of optical polarization remote sensing technology. The polarization radiation characteristics and their differences caused by the reflection and scattering of targets and backgrounds in the marine environment are beneficial to the observation of marine polarization. Firstly, based on the principle of polarization detection, a portable bi-directional polarization reflectance distribution function is designed and fabricated in the field to obtain the polarization spectrum characteristics of the target. Bidirectional Polarized-reflectance Distribution Function (BPDF) measurement system, including BPDF measurement scaffolds and polarization spectrometer, BPDF measurement scaffolds zenith arc and azimuth arc orbital radius are 0.9m, together with the use of polarization spectrometer, can obtain a variety of field targets in hemisphere multi-angle polarization radiation information. Secondly, for polarization spectrometer and polarization camera used in this study, radiation and polarization calibration were carried out, and the polarization measurement accuracy was better than 2%. Then, for the background water, a large BPDF measuring scaffold was used to carry out polarization camera to measure the optical polarization radiation characteristics of outdoor targets. The polarization characteristics of the reflection of the still water surface are measured outdoors. The experimental results show that the zenith angle has a great influence on the degree of polarization of the water. The degree of polarization increases with the zenith angle, and the maximum value can reach about 0.8. The polarization radiation characteristics of the water body are measured. The maximum polarization degree of the dynamic water body is 0.23 in the backscattering direction and 1 in the forward scattering direction. In terms of radiation characteristics, the maximum reflectance appears in the main plane. Because of the smooth surface, the mirror reflection is obvious, the vegetation has the hot spot effect, the soil has the strong backscattering characteristic, and the sand-rock mixture land. As far as polarization characteristics are concerned, the polarization degrees of various targets have the same trend, but have their own band characteristics and directional characteristics. The degree of polarization at 490 nm is slightly higher than that at 550 nm and 670 nm, with the maximum values of 0.25, 0.07 and 0.15 respectively.
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