
发布时间:2018-10-11 13:44
[Abstract]:Some new bottom quark emitters have been observed in positron collision experiments, and these recent resonance states provide an opportunity to identify their structures theoretically. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is a basic theory describing strong interaction at present. Its main characteristics are asymptotic freedom, chiral symmetry spontaneous breaking and quark confinement. Because of the asymptotic freedom of QCD in the high energy region, the perturbation QCD can be used to deal with the high energy process. However, in the low-energy region, the QCD is highly non-perturbation, and the low-energy process needs to be treated by non-perturbation theory, which is much more complicated than the perturbation QCD theory. So far, no more mature treatment method has been found. At present, various low-energy QCD theory methods have been developed, and Hadron spectra have become an important place to test the validity of these theoretical methods. Therefore, it is meaningful to analyze the mass spectrum of bottom quark in detail under the framework of quark model. The component quark model adopted in this paper combines the characteristics of the asymptotic freedom of QCD and the long range confinement. The ground state and excited state of Hadron can be well explained. The single gluon exchange potential is used in the short range region, and the phenomenological linear confinement potential is introduced in the long range region. Based on the scalar and vector mixing properties of the confinement, the relativistic correction is given. In addition to the central force field, the quark-antiquark potential obtained by this method also includes the color magnetic spin term, the spin-orbit coupling term and the spin dependent Zhang Liang term. After giving the form of potential energy, the coupled channel Schrodinger equation is solved numerically. The energy of ground state and excited state and the wave function corresponding to energy are obtained, and compared with the available experimental data. Finally, based on the numerical results, the fractional wave mixing effect caused by the spin Zhang Liang term in the potential function is emphatically analyzed, and the possibility of observing the fractional wave mixing resonance is discussed. This paper is divided into four parts. In the first part, the development of Hadron physics is briefly reviewed and the recent non-perturbation methods are briefly introduced. In the second part, the basic principle and mathematical basis of the component quark model are introduced in detail, and the potential of the nonrelativistic component quark model is given. In the third part, we use the Fortran program (FESSDE) to calculate the bb? with each quantum number. The mass of bound states and the calculated results are compared with those of bb?. The experimental energy spectra of bound states are compared, especially the 1- states where S-D wave mixing may occur are compared carefully, and the images of the wave functions of each excited state are appended to calculate the fractional wave ratio of the mixed states. Finally, in the appendix part, this paper briefly introduces the calculation principle of FESSDE program.


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