[Abstract]:Based on the selected new intramolecular proton transfer systems, we use density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (DFT) to optimize the stable configuration of ground state and excited state, respectively. A series of photophysical parameters, such as frontier molecular orbitals, absorption spectra and fluorescence spectra, are analyzed in combination with the changes of hydrogen bonds in the system, and the photophysical phenomena such as spectral frequency shift and charge redistribution of excited states are analyzed. The detailed process and related mechanism of intramolecular proton transfer in excited states are also attempted to be explained. In chapter 1, the related processes of photoexcitation and decay, the properties and functions of hydrogen bonds are introduced, and the possible photophysical and photochemical changes of hydrogen bonds in molecular systems are discussed. In the second chapter, several quantum mechanical methods for studying multi-electron systems are introduced, and the basic contents of density functional theory and time-dependent density functional theory are also introduced. In chapter 3, the main properties of indigo molecule and its derivatives in ground state and excited state are studied. It is found that the two intramolecular hydrogen bonds have the opposite trend after photoexcitation, and the strengthening and weakening of hydrogen bond occur simultaneously. In addition, the peak absorption spectra of the molecules shifted significantly due to the substitution of halogen at the R4R4'position, and the charge transfer rate of the derivatives was significantly enhanced by the substitution of halogens. In chapter 4, the mechanism of intramolecular double proton transfer in the excited state of 1H _ 3- bis (2-pyridyllidene) -4N _ 7- dihydroxyisoindole is studied. Through the flexible scanning of the molecule with a fixed series of hydroxyl lengths, the three-dimensional potential energy change diagram of the molecule is drawn, and the excited state proton transfer process is displayed intuitively. In chapter 5, the effect of 蟺 conjugated structure on intramolecular proton transfer in 1-dihydroxy benzo [azac] phenazine is studied. It is found that the increase of intramolecular 蟺 conjugated structure can increase the Stokes shift of molecular spectrum and contribute to the occurrence of proton transfer. In chapter 6, a novel blue fluorescent protein modified by anchored group was studied. It was found that malonic acid and malonitrile substituted group could cause fluorescence quenching of the blue fluorescent protein. It is assumed that the substituent may be involved in the redistribution of the excited charge of the molecule and act as an important electron donor group.
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