[Abstract]:Finite element linear method (Finite Element Method of Lines,) is a new semi-numerical semi-analytical method, which is supported by (Ordinary Differential Equation, (ODE) solver of ordinary differential equations. The application of this method in solid mechanics is mature, and it is also developing in the field of heat conduction. In this paper, the linear finite element method is first introduced into the two-dimensional steady flow problem. The main research contents are as follows: (1) the FEMOL plane linear spline curve element of the two-dimensional steady flow field is established. Based on cubic B-spline interpolation basis function and linear Lagrange interpolation basis function, the FEMOL plane linear spline curve unit mapping is established. The unit uses cubic B-spline interpolation in the junction direction and linear Lagrange interpolation in the terminal direction. The irregular element is mapped to the regular element in the local coordinate of [-1]. (2) the variational principle is used. In this paper, the semi-discrete functional of two-dimensional steady-state seepage field is established by FEMOL plane linear spline curve element. The boundary value problem of the partial differential equation for two-dimensional steady state seepage is transformed into the extremum problem of solving its functional. It is obtained that the system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and the corresponding boundary condition (BCs). (3) for two-dimensional steady state seepage flow are based on the FEMOL plane linear spline curve element mapping and the variational calculation of two-dimensional steady state seepage functional under this element. By using FORTRAN 95 language, the special program SSFEMOL1.0, for solving two-dimensional plane steady seepage problem is written. COL90, which is an upgraded version of COLSYS, is called as an ordinary differential equation solver, which makes it more efficient. (4) the inverse method is used to solve the problem. An example of two-dimensional steady seepage problem is compiled. The results are compared with analytical solution and finite element method. The results are analyzed in the aspects of mesh generation, accuracy and applicability of the method.
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