本文关键词:我国西瓜甜瓜生产及全要素生产率研究 出处:《中国农业科学院》2016年博士后论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 西瓜甜瓜 波动周期 供给反应 需求反应 全要素生产率
[Abstract]:According to the FAO Database, Chinese < Rural Statistical Yearbook > west muskmelon industry technology system in 20 test stations observation data of 19 province, and in Hebei province to carry out the key research data based on the world of watermelon and muskmelon production and trade, production in China, the fluctuation of watermelon and muskmelon cycle, regional distribution, international trade, price volatility, cost income and total factor productivity were studied. The main conclusions of this paper are: 1, watermelon and muskmelon industry in the world has entered a period of rapid development, production and trade volume reached a record high, the main production of world trade country (region) production levels have been a great development. The world of watermelon and muskmelon production mainly concentrated in Asia, and China is one of the world's largest producer, in 2013 accounted for 66.75% of the total output of the world watermelon muskmelon and watermelon sweet world 48.66%. The main importer of melon for the United States, the main watermelon exports to Mexico, the main exporter of muskmelon is Spain, and China import and export volume at a low level, and its production status are not serious.2, China is the world's largest producer of watermelon and muskmelon, planting area, output ranked first in the world the yield is higher than the average level of the world, 30%.1978-2013 during the period of watermelon yield and planting area were two times more substantial growth, the first time is 1981-1986 years, with an average annual growth rate of yield and planting area were 14.03% and 12.56%, due to the same period the yield growth is relatively stable, so the yield and growth in the area is close to second times; is 1992-2001 years, with an average annual growth rate of yield and planting area were 16.52% and 10.01%, due to the same period yield to maintain rapid growth, the average annual growth rate reached 8.53%, the yield of The increase of planting area was significantly higher than that of.3, according to the administrative division, watermelon production concentrated in Henan and Shandong two provinces, muskmelon production concentrated in Xinjiang, Shandong and Henan provinces, the rest of the accounts for less than 10%. of the national total area in accordance with the division of watermelon production in Huang Huai Hai (Chun Xia) (edge area and the Yangtze River Basin summer) area, accounted for 43.09% of total production and 31.18% muskmelon production concentrated in Huanghuaihai region and northwest advantage (Chun Xia) (Xia Qiu) area, accounted for 36.18% of total production and 23.23%.4, market scale, market distribution effect and competitive effect on the export of Chinese watermelon and Muskmelon in different periods of action is different: compared with the previous period, the scale effect of watermelon market in the second period to suppress, third played a role in promoting the show gradually expand the scale of international trade of watermelon, the In watermelon export has played a positive role in promoting, Chinese watermelon export growth on the world market to enhance watermelon import dependence scale growth; competitive effect to promote in the second period, third period to suppress, that China watermelon in the international market competition ability in the fall, can promote our country the watermelon season cultivation, optimize breed structure, promotion of high efficiency technology and other ways to enhance the competitiveness of the market; the distribution effect is always positive, but the contribution rate decreases, indicating the distribution Chinese watermelon export market is not reasonable, should be based on the scientific orientation, consolidate and strengthen the Southeast Asian market, and actively expand the new market, all-round development the international market. Compared with the previous period, muskmelon market scale and market distribution effect in the period 2-4 to expand the scale of export have played a role in promoting the export competition effect in third; Period played a role in promoting the second and 4 period to suppress, therefore, the development of China's export of muskmelon is needed to enhance the export competitiveness of.5, fluctuations in the price of watermelon has significant agglomeration, behind the large fluctuations in the market often with large price fluctuations, small price fluctuations often follow behind the price the small fluctuations, indicating the price of watermelon in a certain extent can be predicted. The return of watermelon market with high risk, most traders Chinese watermelon market when making decisions, the non rational factors than rational factors, the market should be further developed and improved. Watermelon price fluctuations in the market is significantly asymmetric, i.e. price fluctuations caused by the information is greater than the price fluctuations caused by the rise of information, to stabilize the market should pay special attention to watermelon, watermelon prices caused by factors and take corresponding measures to.6, short for watermelon For long-term supply elasticity and elasticity is less than 1%, at a relatively low level of elasticity, watermelon planting area is not sensitive to changes in the price response, farmers according to the market price to adjust the reaction degree of sown area is relatively low, the majority of farmers are in accordance with previous acreage production arrangements. This shows that most of the watermelon in China farmers market prices have certain blindness, not too concerned about changes in market prices. The current and lagged watermelon has a negative impact on demand a price, 47.5% and 33.9%.7 respectively, in different branch mouth, sowing method, production methods and varieties, 2010-2014 annual watermelon yields the highest average cost in spring and summer, grafted seedlings, greenhouse cultivation, seedless watermelon muskmelon; followed by autumn, grafted seedlings, greenhouse cultivation of muskmelon, watermelon and muskmelon production in Hebei province.8, 2010 The comprehensive efficiency of -2015 has increased by an average of 29.05% over the past year. However, a significant -23.78% regression has occurred, which has offset the promotion effect of comprehensive efficiency, making the annual growth rate of total factor productivity of watermelon and melon being -1.6%, showing a negative growth trend as a whole.
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