本文关键词:有限理性下出租车合乘行为及演化研究 出处:《兰州交通大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 出租车合乘 有限理性 行为分析 前景理论 演化博弈
[Abstract]:The taxi ride can alleviate the city traffic congestion, save resources, reduce pollution, many countries have implemented by the system, and achieved good results, and China's major city is gradually implementing taxi system to alleviate traffic problems around. At present our country is in the initial stage of taxi carpool system, there exist many problems to be solved in the implementation process of carpool system. Passengers and driver behavior of large impact of implementation of carpool system, many passengers and drivers in reality refused to carpool phenomenon is very common, this will seriously hinder the implementation of the carpool system. Therefore, it is necessary to study on the behavior of carpool passengers and drivers is under the system. Considering the human non rational characteristics, based on the limited rationality framework, based on prospect theory, evolutionary game theory method, on a taxi ride Conducts a thorough study on the behavioral problems, the specific work is as follows: (1) to study the effect of taxi, proposes a carpool effect simulation analysis method. Through the analysis of different situations by the cost of passengers and drivers of income, set up a taxi model design, simulation algorithm, from the aspects of the cost of passengers, the driver and the taxi market revenue capacity is simulated by effect, and analyzes the payment ratio and traffic congestion rate of carpool effect, verified by the effectiveness of the rules of carpool effect. (2) studied the passenger ride behavior analysis is proposed. A method of decision making. To carpool passengers travel time of passengers, costs and comfort index based on prospect theory established by passengers decision model, analysis of different reference points under the passenger ride behavior and passenger ride decision. The influencing factors. Put forward by decision analysis method considers the psychological factors of passengers and traffic situation of uncertainty, embodies the characteristics of the limited rationality of passengers, is a kind of uncertain environment passengers carpool decision analysis method. (3) of the driver's carpool behavior, put forward a kind of method take the mode driver income changes and behavior analysis. Through the analysis of different circumstances of driver's income, consider the fair psychological drivers, fair theory to establish fair income driver model based on the research by the change in average income and individual income mode drivers, analyzes the influencing factors of the driver. The driver changes in income income equity model the consideration of the psychological characteristics of drivers, analyzes the behavior changes caused by the driver of unfair psychology, provides a new idea for the limited rational driver by behavior analysis. (4) research of passengers With the driver of the carpool passengers carpool strategy, proposed decision making method based on in-depth study of the passengers in different situations by choosing strategy, and introduces the prospect theory of evolutionary game, improved evolutionary game model is established, the passengers and the driver by using dynamic replication strategy game model, analyze the evolution mechanism. In order to get together by stable strategy. This method overcomes the strategic income completely rational evolutionary game model of the problem, considering both the limited rationality by main income judgment, taking into account the dynamic adjustment of limited rationality participants strategy. (5) studied by detour problem, put forward by bypass analysis methods. On the one hand, the game model between the bypass conditions of passengers carpool path establishment of prospect theory and evolutionary game theory based on the analysis of the factors of stable strategy game passenger route and its influence on the other; On the one hand, a bypass condition driver by strategy model, analysis of the driver by orbit evolution results of strategy, and introduce the complaint mechanism, further study the complaints mechanism under the driver by evolutionary stable strategy and its influence factors of tactics, the carpool system complaint mechanism can effectively prevent drivers behavior conclusion. By analysis method to study around the carpool passengers and drivers around when the limited rational behavior conditions, further analysis can ensure the smooth progress of the ride around. This paper from a new perspective of limited rationality of carpool behavior. This research established by effect model, and puts forward the method of analysis of a combined effect; based on Prospect Theory established by passenger behavior decision model, proposes a passenger carpool behavior analysis method; psychological theory The introduction of behavioral modeling, constructs the driver income equity model, provides a new idea for carpool behavior research; the first combination of prospect theory and evolutionary game theory, puts forward a method of evolutionary game based on the value of new prospects, make up the defects of completely rational income judgment evolutionary game model; construction of passengers and drivers the strategy evolution model, analyzed the stability strategy of both sides; and the establishment of the carpool passenger route game model and strategy model under the condition of the driver detour, devoted to the study of carpool detour problem, do improve the research work for carpool problem. The taxi to conduct an in-depth analysis, with the new from the perspective of research on the basic theory of a series of limited rationality under the condition of taxi behavior, the conclusions can be used as city taxi behavior and provide theoretical support for traffic carpool policy system It has important guiding significance.
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