本文关键词:中国P2P借贷平台发展及对越南的借鉴研究 出处:《青岛大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: P2P平台 政府监管 网络借贷 可行性分析 金融体系
[Abstract]:In recent years, the rapid development of P2P network lending platform has become an important part of Internet finance. P2P lending platform has the characteristics of simple, fast, high efficiency, low cost, considerable income and so on. P2P lending platform has attracted a large number of investors and borrowers to pay attention to and participate in the P2P network lending market financial model has spread to many countries around the world financial industry, and gradually developed. 2000. Vietnam joined the WTO and the Vietnamese government promised to further open its financial markets to the outside world on 2018. P2P lending companies will have greater opportunities to enter the Vietnamese financial market. By studying the development characteristics of P2P lending industry in China and the regulatory policies of Chinese regulatory authorities on P2P industry. Combined with Vietnam's economic development conditions, this paper analyzes the feasibility of P2P lending platform development in Vietnam, and gives the feasible path and basic ideas of P2P lending platform development in Vietnam. And on this basis to provide effective policy recommendations for the Vietnamese regulatory authorities. First of all, the development of P2P network lending platform in China and Europe and the United States. Through the analysis of China, the United Kingdom. The development of P2P network lending industry in the United States and other countries can be seen that the P2P network lending industry has developed rapidly in the world. Secondly, the economic characteristics of Vietnam are analyzed and studied. In view of the contradictions and problems in Vietnam's financial market system, the construction of information infrastructure in Vietnam, the inclusive situation of the Internet, combined with the development of the national economy and market demand in Vietnam. The research puts forward some key elements of developing P2P network loan platform in Vietnam. Thirdly, starting from Vietnam's financial market situation and Vietnam's financial legal system. Proposed P2P network lending in Vietnam's development path. The study believes that Vietnam's commercial banks want to occupy the leading position in the financial industry, we must take the initiative to change themselves, accept new technology, new business. Actively participate in the development of P2P network loan business, determine the development model of entering P2P network loan industry, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of entering. In order to evaluate the feasibility of P2P network loan platform in Vietnam to develop business. In the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of P2P network lending industry, we can find out. Developing new financial business in Vietnam has a comparative advantage. P2P network loan platform can not only give full play to the core advantages of the financial industry. It can also play the advantage of the development of Internet science and technology. Through Porter's five-force model to analyze the feasibility of commercial banks involved in P2P field, the comparative analysis in five different forces. Commercial banks' P2P network lending business has profit potential. Through the above analysis and research, the Vietnamese commercial banks involved in the P2P field is more feasible. That is to say. P2P network lending platform if entering the Vietnamese financial market is completely feasible. 4th, through the study of China and Europe and the United States on the P2P network lending industry supervision and management model and the Chinese government issued regulatory laws and regulations. This paper uses evolutionary game theory model to analyze the relationship among P2P platforms, regulators and third-party guarantors in Internet financial services, combining the economic situation of Vietnam and the characteristics of financial markets. For the Vietnamese government in the future to the P2P network lending industry effective regulation countermeasures and recommendations, that is, the government regulatory authorities in order to improve the regulatory effect. On the one hand, we can take management measures to encourage P2P network lending market to self-discipline, on the other hand. Effective measures can be taken to improve the management effect. According to the different self-discipline level of P2P network lending platform, according to the actual situation classification, according to different circumstances to implement different regulatory strategies.
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