本文选题:核心企业 + 非核心企业 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of technological innovation activities in Chinese enterprises, innovation network and its structure become the important contents of innovation driving development. There are a large number of non-core enterprises and a few core enterprises in the innovation network. The non-core enterprises are controlled by the core enterprises in the center of the network and provide the contract or supporting processing services for the core enterprises. Although the importance of core enterprises is self-evident in innovation networks, if there is no cooperation between non-core enterprises and core enterprises, that is, non-core enterprises that lack innovation support in innovation networks, Without heterogeneous resource endowment and unique continuous advantages, the core enterprises are difficult to develop smoothly. Therefore, the technology innovation ability of non-core enterprises is the key to integrate external innovation resources and ensure the success of innovation networks. In the face of the demand of industrial transformation and structural optimization and upgrading under the background of the new normal, the enhancement of technological innovation ability of non-core enterprises is not only related to the matching relationship with the core enterprises' innovation realization. More related to supporting the overall innovation level of the enterprise innovation network and competitiveness. Therefore, under the background of innovation-driven development, this paper focuses on the basic level of technological innovation capability of non-core enterprises in innovation network, the main factors affecting the technological innovation ability of non-core enterprises and its future growth trend. The research on the level and trend of technological innovation ability of non-core enterprises in innovation network is helpful to the variability of innovation evolution path of non-core enterprises and provides a new perspective for observing, understanding, predicting and managing innovation networks. It also helps us to improve the technological innovation ability of non-core enterprises through appropriate policy design. It is of great practical significance to promote the development of non-core enterprises into core enterprises, promote the transformation of non-core enterprises, industrial upgrading and structural adjustment. This paper is divided into seven chapters, the first chapter is an introduction, mainly introduces the research background and significance of this topic, research content and innovation, research methods and technical routes; chapter 2 for the definition of concepts and related literature combing, This paper defines the three main concepts: innovation network, core enterprise, non-core enterprise, combing the related domestic and foreign literature about innovation network. Chapter 3 is the theoretical analysis of technological innovation capability of non-core enterprises in innovation network. In chapter 4, the index system of technological innovation capability of non-core enterprises in innovation network is constructed, and the influence factors of different technological innovation ability are analyzed. The fifth chapter is the analysis of the technological innovation capability of non-core enterprises in the innovation network, and through the survey data, the paper studies the scale of non-core enterprises and core enterprises in the enterprise. Chapter 6 is the empirical analysis of technological innovation ability of non-core enterprises in innovation network, using factor analysis, weight coefficient analysis, and so on. Based on the optimal scale analysis and binary Logistic regression analysis, this paper analyzes the basic level of technological innovation ability of non-core enterprises in the current innovation network, and finds out the difference of influencing factors to different technological innovation ability levels. It predicts the trend of technology innovation ability growth and the distribution of non-core enterprises in different growth stages in the future. Chapter 7 is the conclusion and prospect of the research, and summarizes the limitations and future prospects of this paper.
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