发布时间:2021-03-06 12:50
在“一带一路”的发展蓝图之下,中国有意在泰国南部修建运河,以此减少航运距离、提升安全等级,进而减少贸易成本。其实对泰国来说修建泰国运河并不是一个新的想法,早在350年前它就已被提出并且每一次都会遭到否决。在过去,运河无法开建的主要原因在于泰国的财政以及殖民问题。如今中方愿意向泰国提供资金以及技术支持,但运河项目仍旧处于考虑状态。因此,本文旨在研究为什么泰国运河项目至今未能实施,以及什么是泰国运河项目所遇到的真正阻碍。研究数据来源于对泰国运河协会的三名领导成员Trang、Krabi和Nakhon Si Thammarat所进行的采访以及相关文献分析所得,目的在于探究泰国运河项目无法实施的本质。结果表明,泰国顾虑运河会影响到国家安全以及地缘政治,将泰国分割成两部分、破坏国家统一。此外,泰国运河位于马六甲海峡附近,运河的修建会减少航运距离进而对马六甲海峡到泰国运河的运输路线发生变化。这一变化导致运河修建完成之后,一些国家可能会从中获利,但另一些国家却会失去利益,最后结果会导致东盟国家之间的利益冲突。
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:97 页
Chapter I Literature Review
1.1 A Review of Geo-political Theory
1.2 A Review of National Interest Theory
1.3 The concept of National Security of Thailand
1.4 Literacture Review of the Thai Canal
Chapter II The Fundamental of the Thai Canal Project
2.1 The Propose of Thai Canal:Background Revisit
2.2 Significance of the Thai Canal Project
Chapter III The Thai Canal between China and Thailand
3.1.The Thai Canal on Maritime Silk Road
3.2 The Cooperation with China in Thai Canal Digging
3.3 Current situation of the Thai Canal
Chapter IV An Analysis of the Thai Canal Project
4.1 Analysis of the Reasons for the Failure of the Thai Canal Project in the past
4.2 Analysis of Barriers to the Thai Canal project
4.3 Opinions of Major Information Providers on Benefits of the Thai Canal Project in Route 9A
4.4 Opinions of Major Information Providers on the Effect of China – Thailand Re-lationship and the Recommendations of the Thai Canal Project in Route 9A
Chapter V Discussion and Recommendation
5.1 Recommendation for Thai government
5.2 The Opportunity and Challenges of the Thai Canal project
[1]克拉运河计划影响分析[J]. 赖文光,王静改. 港口经济. 2014(10)
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:97 页
Chapter I Literature Review
1.1 A Review of Geo-political Theory
1.2 A Review of National Interest Theory
1.3 The concept of National Security of Thailand
1.4 Literacture Review of the Thai Canal
Chapter II The Fundamental of the Thai Canal Project
2.1 The Propose of Thai Canal:Background Revisit
2.2 Significance of the Thai Canal Project
Chapter III The Thai Canal between China and Thailand
3.1.The Thai Canal on Maritime Silk Road
3.2 The Cooperation with China in Thai Canal Digging
3.3 Current situation of the Thai Canal
Chapter IV An Analysis of the Thai Canal Project
4.1 Analysis of the Reasons for the Failure of the Thai Canal Project in the past
4.2 Analysis of Barriers to the Thai Canal project
4.3 Opinions of Major Information Providers on Benefits of the Thai Canal Project in Route 9A
4.4 Opinions of Major Information Providers on the Effect of China – Thailand Re-lationship and the Recommendations of the Thai Canal Project in Route 9A
Chapter V Discussion and Recommendation
5.1 Recommendation for Thai government
5.2 The Opportunity and Challenges of the Thai Canal project
[1]克拉运河计划影响分析[J]. 赖文光,王静改. 港口经济. 2014(10)