发布时间:2021-08-09 21:03
【文章来源】:东华大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:103 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Framework
1.3 Research Methodology
Chapter2 Literature review
2.1 Statement of related theories
2.1.1 Impact of human capital to foreign M&A in China
2.1.2 The impact of EHS to foreign M&A in China
2.2 Literature review of M&A
2.3 Summary
Chapter3 The EHS policy and foreign M&A in China
3.1 Current state of adjustment of EHS policy of foreign M&A in China
3.1.1 The transformation of EHS policy of foreign M&A based on labor-capital relationship
3.1.2 Analysis of the impact on foreign M&A by Chinese EHS policy
3.2 Analysis of the adjustment of EHS policy and the increase of foreign M&A
3.2.1 Adjustment of EHS policy and scale of foreign M&A
3.2.2 Mental health of employees in foreign investment enterprises
3.2.3 The influence of intern control on foreign enterprises’operation and management
3.3 Summary
Chapter4 Human capital and foreign M&A in China
4.1 China facing the current situation of transformation of labor cost of foreign merge and acquisition
4.1.1 The change of human capital since the opening up of China
4.1.2 The impact of human capital to foreign acquisition in China
4.2 The correlation between the transformation of labor cost and increase of M&A in China
4.2.1 The transformation of human capital and scale of foreign merge and acquisition in China
4.2.2 The transformation of human capital and foreign fixed assets investment
4.2.3 The transformation of human capital and effect of management of foreign M&A
4.3 Summary
Chapter5 Case analysis of human capital with foreign M&A
5.1 Why Zhejiang Zr-Valley is selected?
5.2 Human capital data acquisition
5.3 Empirical analysis of foreign M&A in China
5.3.1 Analysis of the target enterprise before M&A
5.3.2 Analysis of current situation after M&A
5.4 Analysis of EHS system in Zhejiang Zr-Valley
5.5 Summary
Chapter6 Countermeasures and suggestion
6.1 Guide of foreign M&A in China
6.2 Take advantage of M&A in upgrades of chain of industry
6.3 Amelioration of human capital management in foreign M&A
6.4 Increase technology innovation in foreign M&A
6.5 Increase competiveness of Chinese manufacturing in M&A
6.6 Summary
[1]中国技能型人力资本对经济增长的贡献率及提升策略——基于1995-2014年统计数据的分析[J]. 胡茂波,谢丽丽,袁飞. 职业技术教育. 2018(01)
[2]企业并购中人力资本的整合管理研究[J]. 闫晓峥. 现代经济信息. 2017(22)
[3]2006~2015年我国化工企业生产事故统计分析[J]. 李艳昌,刘哲含,贾进章. 应用化工. 2017(08)
[4]论企业并购中人力资本的管理[J]. 李艳燕. 知识经济. 2012(14)
[5]中国企业环境、健康和安全管理者胜任力模型研究[J]. 王晓晖,喻广华,高静. 管理科学. 2012(03)
[6]产业特征对产业国际化进程的影响——以跨国并购为例[J]. 张建红,葛顺奇,周朝鸿. 南开经济研究. 2012(02)
[7]FDI对中国高技术产业技术溢出效应的实证研究[J]. 温丽琴,梁旭. 经济问题. 2011(05)
[8]我国装备制造业利用外资的思考[J]. 刘勇,雷平. 科技管理研究. 2010(02)
[9]外资企业员工心理健康状况和生活质量调查[J]. 周晓琴,方兰琴,蒋武,程灶火. 中国健康心理学杂志. 2010(01)
[10]关于我国固定资产投资效率问题的研究[J]. 谈友胜. 投资研究. 2010(01)
【文章来源】:东华大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:103 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Framework
1.3 Research Methodology
Chapter2 Literature review
2.1 Statement of related theories
2.1.1 Impact of human capital to foreign M&A in China
2.1.2 The impact of EHS to foreign M&A in China
2.2 Literature review of M&A
2.3 Summary
Chapter3 The EHS policy and foreign M&A in China
3.1 Current state of adjustment of EHS policy of foreign M&A in China
3.1.1 The transformation of EHS policy of foreign M&A based on labor-capital relationship
3.1.2 Analysis of the impact on foreign M&A by Chinese EHS policy
3.2 Analysis of the adjustment of EHS policy and the increase of foreign M&A
3.2.1 Adjustment of EHS policy and scale of foreign M&A
3.2.2 Mental health of employees in foreign investment enterprises
3.2.3 The influence of intern control on foreign enterprises’operation and management
3.3 Summary
Chapter4 Human capital and foreign M&A in China
4.1 China facing the current situation of transformation of labor cost of foreign merge and acquisition
4.1.1 The change of human capital since the opening up of China
4.1.2 The impact of human capital to foreign acquisition in China
4.2 The correlation between the transformation of labor cost and increase of M&A in China
4.2.1 The transformation of human capital and scale of foreign merge and acquisition in China
4.2.2 The transformation of human capital and foreign fixed assets investment
4.2.3 The transformation of human capital and effect of management of foreign M&A
4.3 Summary
Chapter5 Case analysis of human capital with foreign M&A
5.1 Why Zhejiang Zr-Valley is selected?
5.2 Human capital data acquisition
5.3 Empirical analysis of foreign M&A in China
5.3.1 Analysis of the target enterprise before M&A
5.3.2 Analysis of current situation after M&A
5.4 Analysis of EHS system in Zhejiang Zr-Valley
5.5 Summary
Chapter6 Countermeasures and suggestion
6.1 Guide of foreign M&A in China
6.2 Take advantage of M&A in upgrades of chain of industry
6.3 Amelioration of human capital management in foreign M&A
6.4 Increase technology innovation in foreign M&A
6.5 Increase competiveness of Chinese manufacturing in M&A
6.6 Summary
[1]中国技能型人力资本对经济增长的贡献率及提升策略——基于1995-2014年统计数据的分析[J]. 胡茂波,谢丽丽,袁飞. 职业技术教育. 2018(01)
[2]企业并购中人力资本的整合管理研究[J]. 闫晓峥. 现代经济信息. 2017(22)
[3]2006~2015年我国化工企业生产事故统计分析[J]. 李艳昌,刘哲含,贾进章. 应用化工. 2017(08)
[4]论企业并购中人力资本的管理[J]. 李艳燕. 知识经济. 2012(14)
[5]中国企业环境、健康和安全管理者胜任力模型研究[J]. 王晓晖,喻广华,高静. 管理科学. 2012(03)
[6]产业特征对产业国际化进程的影响——以跨国并购为例[J]. 张建红,葛顺奇,周朝鸿. 南开经济研究. 2012(02)
[7]FDI对中国高技术产业技术溢出效应的实证研究[J]. 温丽琴,梁旭. 经济问题. 2011(05)
[8]我国装备制造业利用外资的思考[J]. 刘勇,雷平. 科技管理研究. 2010(02)
[9]外资企业员工心理健康状况和生活质量调查[J]. 周晓琴,方兰琴,蒋武,程灶火. 中国健康心理学杂志. 2010(01)
[10]关于我国固定资产投资效率问题的研究[J]. 谈友胜. 投资研究. 2010(01)