本文选题:东北半湿润区 切入点:膜下滴灌 出处:《中国农业大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:玉米膜下滴灌技术具有提高表层土壤温度、减少土壤蒸发、提高土壤含水率、减少硝态氮淋失和提高作物产量等特点,近年来在东北地区得到广泛应用。当前,东北地区玉米膜下滴灌技术在应用过程中存在灌溉施肥管理方式不合理问题。本研究立足从农田土壤水、热循环角度揭示玉米膜下滴灌增产机理,重点开展生育期膜下滴灌对农田水热环境、玉米生长和产量的影响研究,并优化玉米生育期水氮优化管理模式,研究生育期滴灌追氮量和追氮次数对玉米生长和产量的影响。利用Hybrid-Maize模型模拟黑龙江玉米生育期灌溉需水量。主要工作与结论如下:(1)2011、2012和2013年在黑龙江开展了玉米田间试验,采用膜下滴灌、不覆膜滴灌和地面灌溉3种不同的灌溉施肥方式,进行了土壤温度、含水率、田间小气候、作物生长、养分积累及产量的观测和分析。结果表明:与不覆膜滴灌和地面灌相比,膜下滴灌提高了玉米生育前期的表层土壤温度,苗期5~25 cm的每日土壤温度平均增加2.3℃,全生育期土壤积温累积增加115~150℃。膜下滴灌玉米生育期的土壤蒸发量比不覆膜滴灌降低53%,提高了玉米生育前期的土壤含水率。膜下滴灌提高了典型日的冠层空气温度并降低了冠层空气湿度。膜下滴灌显著增加了玉米生育前期的氮素吸收量,促进了玉米花期前的营养生长,为花期后的生殖生长积累了更多的营养物质,成熟期的地上部分干物质质量分别比不覆膜滴灌和地面灌处理增加14%和23%,氮素吸收量分别增加16%和28%,平均产量分别提高11%和21%,水分利用效率分别提高9%和18%。(2)2011、2012和2013年开展玉米膜下滴灌试验研究生育期滴灌追氮次数(大喇叭口期1次追氮与大喇叭口期、抽雄期、灌浆期3次追氮2个水平)和追氮量(0、100、150、200 kg/hm24个水平)对土壤氮素含量、玉米生长和产量的影响。结果表明,相同追氮量时分次追氮有利于保证整个生育期平稳供氮能力。追氮次数对玉米的生长和产量影响显著,虽然1次追氮显著提高了玉米在生育前期的株高、叶面积指数(LaI)、地上部分干物质质量和氮素吸收量,但3次追氮显著提高了玉米成熟期地上部分干物质质量和氮素吸收量。产量也随追氮次数显著增加,3次追氮处理平均产量比1次追氮处理提高5%。追氮量对玉米各生育期株高和LAI影响不显著,地上部分干物质质量和氮素吸收量随追氮量线性增加,在玉米生育后期达到显著水平。玉米产量随追氮量增加而增加。本研究建议东北半湿润区玉米膜下滴灌种植密度为46,620株/hm2条件下,宜采用3次追氮、追氮量150~200 kg/hm2的施氮管理措施。(3)基于覆膜增加土壤温度和减少土壤蒸发效应,利用Hybrid-Maize模型的覆膜模块,模拟1981~2010年30年气象条件下膜下滴灌对玉米产量和水分利用效率的影响;并估算了滴灌玉米不同生育阶段灌溉需水量及黑龙江省不同农业气候区玉米生育期灌溉需水量。结果表明,Hybrid-Maize模型可以较好地模拟覆膜与不覆膜处理玉米产量和水分利用效率差异,但模型高估了覆膜和不覆膜处理2012年和2013年LAI和2013年玉米产量和水分利用效率、低估了 2011年和2013年成熟期玉米地上部分干物质质量。在东北半湿润地区,玉米不同生育阶段的灌溉需水量与初始土壤可利用水量和生育期内降雨分布有关。在黑龙江不同农业气候区内,通过滴灌系统进行补充灌溉的增产作用可能不同,玉米单位面积产量增加幅度在0~109%之间变化,黑龙江94%玉米种植面积可以通过补充灌溉提高产量,增产幅度达14%~42%。
[Abstract]:Drip irrigation under film can improve maize soil temperature, reduce soil evaporation, increase soil moisture, reduce nitrate leaching and improve crop yield and other characteristics, widely used in recent years in the northeast. At present, the membrane the drip irrigation technology corn in Northeast China under irrigation and fertilization management unreasonable problems in the application process. Based on the research from the farmland soil water heat cycle reveals the stimulation mechanism of Maize under film drip irrigation, focusing on irrigation of farmland water thermal environment under the influence of the film growth period, growth and yield of corn and corn growth period, optimizing water and nitrogen management mode optimization, influence of growth period of drip irrigation and n topdressing nitrogen topdressing times on the growth and yield of maize. Hybrid-Maize model is used to simulate the growth of corn in Heilongjiang irrigation water requirement. The main work and conclusions are as follows: (1) in 20112012 and 2013 was carried out in Heilongjiang jade Rice field experiment, using drip irrigation, drip irrigation and surface irrigation with 3 different irrigation and fertilization methods, the soil temperature, water content, growth microclimate, crop, observation and analysis of nutrient accumulation and yield. The results showed that: compared with no mulching and drip irrigation, drip irrigation improved the surface soil temperature in the early growth stage of maize seedling, daily soil temperature of 5~25 cm increased by an average of 2.3 degrees Celsius, the whole growth period of the cumulative increase in soil accumulated temperature 115~150 degrees Celsius. Soil evaporation growth period of Maize under film drip irrigation is 53% lower than that of no mulch drip irrigation, improve the soil moisture in early stage of corn growth rate. Drip irrigation improved canopy air the temperature of typical days and reduce the canopy air humidity. Drip irrigation significantly increased the nitrogen uptake in the early stage of corn growth, promote maize vegetative growth before flowering, after flowering for the reproductive growth of product Tired more nutrients, mature aboveground dry mass respectively than drip irrigation and surface irrigation treatment increased by 14% and 23%, nitrogen uptake increased 16% and 28% respectively, the average yield increased by 11% and 21%, the water use efficiency increased by 9% and 18%. (2) and 20112012 2013 to carry out the corn film experimental study on the growth period of drip irrigation drip irrigation topdressing times (1 times of topdressing at booting stage and booting stage, heading stage, filling stage 3 2 nitrogen levels) and nitrogen (0100150200 kg/hm24 level) on the content of soil nitrogen, affecting the growth and yield of maize. The results showed that the same chase when the amount of Nitrogen Topdressing Time to ensure steady on the whole growth period for nitrogen. Effects of nitrogen topdressing times on growth and yield of maize significantly, although the 1 times topdressing nitrogen significantly increased in the early growth of maize plant height, leaf area index (LaI), dry ground The amount of nitrogen absorption and quality, but the 3 times topdressing nitrogen significantly increased maize mature aboveground dry mass and nitrogen uptake. Yield with nitrogen topdressing times increased significantly, the 3 time Topdressing on the average yield of more than 1 topdressing nitrogen treatment increased 5%. nitrogen application on maize plant height and the growth period LAI did not have a significant impact on the part of the mass of dry matter and nitrogen uptake with nitrogen topdressing increased linearly, reached a significant level in the late growth stage of maize. Maize yield increased with the increasing of topdressing amount. This study suggests that the Northeast membrane of Maize in semi humid area of drip irrigation under planting density of 46620 plants /hm2, should be 3 after nitrogen, nitrogen topdressing nitrogen management measures 150~200 kg/hm2. (3) with increasing soil temperature and decreasing soil evaporation effects based on the use of membrane module Hybrid-Maize model, simulation of 1981~2010 years 30 years meteorological conditions under mulch drip irrigation on Corn Yield and water Effect of utilization efficiency; and estimate the water in Heilongjiang province and the different climatic zones of maize corn in different growth stages of irrigation to drip irrigation water. The results show that the Hybrid-Maize model can well simulate the mulching and no mulching treatment yield and water use efficiency of Maize with the difference, but the model overestimates the film mulching and no mulching treatment in 2012 and in 2013 LAI and 2013 corn yield and water use efficiency, underestimate the mass of dry matter in 2011 and 2013. In the mature period of corn in Northeast semi humid regions, irrigation at different growth stages of corn water requirement and initial soil available on the distribution of rainfall water and growth period. In different climatic zones of Heilongjiang, were yield increasing effect of supplemental irrigation may be different through drip irrigation system, the changes of maize yield per unit area increased from 0 to 109%, 94% of Heilongjiang jade The rice planting area can increase the yield by supplementing irrigation, and the increase of yield is 14% ~ 42%.
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