发布时间:2018-05-29 02:11
本文选题:灌水方式与用量 + 施氮方式与用量 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2017年博士论文
【摘要】:面对世界范围内普遍存在的水、肥利用率低造成的资源浪费与环境污染问题,如何通过水肥联合调控充分挖掘作物自身对水分、养分等环境因子的适应潜力,实现作物优质高产、水肥利用效率提高成为大家关注的焦点问题。分根区交替灌溉技术(APRI)自提出以来获得了良好的节水效益,但APRI下水肥耦合效应的研究较少受到关注。为更好发挥APRI的节水效果,亟需对APRI下的水氮耦合方式与机制展开研究。本文以金西北22号制种玉米为供试作物,采用垄植沟灌技术,于2013年和2014年在农业部作物高效用水武威科学观测试验站进行田间试验(小区呈东西走向),对不同灌水方式(均匀隔沟灌溉CI、交替隔沟灌溉AI和固定隔沟灌溉FI)和施氮方式(均匀施氮CN、交替施氮AN和固定施氮FN)下土壤水肥环境和作物根系及地上部的生长状况进行系统研究。在此基础上,针对APRI灌溉方式,研究不同灌水下限(55%Fc、65%Fc和75%Fc)和施氮水平(100 kg N hm-2、200 kg N hm-2和300 kg N hm-2,分别记作N1、N2和N3)对作物生长和水氮利用的影响;同时,分析不同灌溉制度(全生育期充分供水CK、苗期中度亏水T1、苗期重度亏水T2、穗期中度亏水T3、穗期重度亏水T4、花粒期中度亏水T5和花粒期重度亏水T6)对作物耗水规律和作物系数的影响,构建作物水分生产函数,确定APRI下作物的适宜灌溉制度。取得如下重要进展:(1)研究了不同灌水施氮方式下制种玉米的干物质积累过程、籽粒产量和作物对水分的利用。各处理的干物质积累过程均符合Logistic方程:X=K?1+ae-bt累上限K值有所不同:任一灌水方式下,AN与CN明显大于FN;任一施氮方式下,AICIFI(P0.05);且交替隔沟灌溉均匀施氮(AC)和交替隔沟灌溉交替施氮水氮同区(AAT)的K值最大。与其他灌水施氮方式相比,AC、AAT和交替隔沟灌溉交替施氮水氮异区(AAY)下籽粒干物质量以及其占总干物质积累量的比例明显增加。不同灌水施氮方式下制种玉米穗数、籽粒产量、收获指数和水分利用效率(WUE)的表现与K值类似。可见,交替隔沟灌溉交替施氮(水氮同区)或交替隔沟灌溉均匀施氮有利于提高制种玉米的籽粒产量和水分利用效率。(2)研究了不同灌水施氮方式下制种玉米拔节期、大喇叭口期、抽雄期、灌浆期和成熟期植株北侧、植株南侧和植株下0~100 cm土层中的土壤水分和土壤NO_3~--N分布。结果表明,灌浆期,多数监测时期,灌水方式相同时,植株南、北两侧灌水前的土壤水含量仅在不同施氮方式间差异显著,且CN与AN间的土壤含水量无显著差异,CI时FN下施氮侧的土壤含水量较未施氮侧增大。多数情况下,同一灌水方式下,FN下施氮侧的土壤NO_3~--N含量较未施氮侧增大;同一施氮方式下,与CI相比,AI处理植株下0~40 cm土层中土壤NO_3~--N含量增大。较其它灌水施氮方式,AC、AAT和AAY下土壤NO_3~--N含量在植株南、北两侧间无显著差异且在0~40 cm土层较大。说明交替隔沟灌溉配合均匀施氮或交替施氮有利于土壤NO_3~--N较长时间地均匀分布在0~40 cm土层。(3)研究了灌水施氮方式对制种玉米根系生长分布及其随生育期变化动态的影响。结果表明,灌浆期,0~40 cm土层,AI/CI与AN/CN结合时,植株南、北两侧的根长密度无显著差异;而FI与FN结合时,植株南、北两侧的根长密度差异显著。多数情况下,0~40 cm土层,任一施氮方式下,与CI和FI相比,AI增加植株下的根长密度;任一灌水方式下,与CN与AN相比,FN减小植株下的根长密度。AAT、AAY和AC下的根长密度最大。AC、AAT和AAY下0~100 cm土层的总根量(总根长、总根干质量和总根表面积)最大。可见,交替隔沟灌溉交替施氮或交替隔沟灌溉均匀施氮不但有利于制种玉米的根系分布相对均匀,而且促进根系的生长。制种玉米的籽粒产量Y(kg hm-2)与灌浆期0~40 cm土层的根长密度(cm cm-3)、根干质量密度(mg cm-3)和根表面积密度(cm2 cm-3)间的关系符合指数模型Y=2102X11.03X20.92X30.45和多项式模型Y =2272.98 1937.21X1+ 3553.85X2-2581.76X1X2。(4)研究了灌水施氮方式对制种玉米氮素吸收利用的影响,发现任一施氮方式下,与CI相比,AI下作物对氮素的吸收量和氮素利用效率(NUE)明显增加;任一灌水方式下,与CN和AN相比,FN下作物的吸氮量和NUE明显减少。AAT和AC下作物的氮素利用效率最大。说明交替隔沟灌溉交替施氮(水氮同区)或交替隔沟灌溉均匀施氮有利于提高制种玉米的氮素利用效率。15N示踪研究的结果表明,施氮方式相同时,与CI相比,AI下作物吸收肥料氮量明显增加,且AI下作物对肥料氮的吸收率(26.57%~29.01%)与肥料氮的损失率(25.78%~27.41%)接近;而CI下作物对肥料氮的吸收率(22.93%~23.78%)明显小于肥料氮的损失率(34.37%~34.88%)。说明与传统隔沟灌溉相比,交替隔沟灌溉促进制种玉米对肥料氮的吸收,减少肥料氮的损失。(5)研究了APRI下不同灌水下限和施氮水平对制种玉米生长及产量形成的影响。任一施氮水平下,与55%Fc相比,65%Fc下制种玉米的生长速率、株高、茎粗和叶面积指数均明显增加。任一灌水下限下,与N1相比,N2下制种玉米的上述指标均明显增加。75%Fc配合N2/N3各项指标最大。不同灌水下限和施氮水平下制种玉米的地上部生物量、穗数、穗粒数、籽粒产量及收获指数与其生长速率的表现类似。说明APRI下75%Fc配合200 kg N hm-2或300 kg N hm-2可以维持制种玉米地上部的旺盛生长并获得最高籽粒产量。灌水下限和施氮水平的交互作用对制种玉米的生物量和籽粒产量有显著影响:N1水平下灌水下限在55%Fc~65%Fc范围增大,可以提高作物的生物量和籽粒产量;类似地,高灌水下限75%Fc时,增加施氮水平可提高玉米籽粒产量,但灌水下限在55%Fc时,200 kg N hm-2以上进一步增加施氮量并不能使生物量和籽粒产量持续增加。说明在一定范围内,水肥用量间存在补偿效应;协调灌水下限和施氮水平才能提高APRI下制种玉米的籽粒产量。(6)研究了APRI下不同灌水下限和施氮水平对制种玉米水分及氮素吸收利用的影响。结果表明,任一施氮水平下,WUE表现为65%Fc75%Fc55%Fc(P0.05);任一灌水下限下,N2和N3的WUE较N1明显增大。65%Fc配合N2/N3获得最大的WUE。任一施氮水平下,65%Fc与75%Fc间作物的吸氮量和NUE无显著差异,但较55%Fc明显增大;任一灌水下限下,N2和N3的吸氮量较N1明显增大。随着施氮水平的增加,NUE明显减少而收获后0~100 cm土层土壤NO_3~--N残留量明显增加。可见,APRI下协调灌水下限和施氮水平是提高作物水、氮利用效率的前提。65%Fc配合200 kg N hm-2可以在维持制种玉米籽粒产量的条件下,使WUE和NUE相对较高,且降低收获后0~100 cm土层土壤NO_3~--N的残留量。(7)分析了APRI下不同灌溉制度对制种玉米耗水规律、作物系数Kc、籽粒产量和WUE的影响。结果表明,任一生育期亏水均使得作物的耗水强度和Kc降低。与CK相比,T2、T3、T4、T5和T6的籽粒产量显著下降,而T1无显著差异,且耗水量较CK下降20.41%。表明APRI下苗期中度亏水可明显提高制种玉米的水分利用效率。基于Jensen模型,获得制种玉米在播种-拔节、拔节-抽雄、抽雄-灌浆和灌浆-成熟期的亏水敏感指数λi分别为0.03、0.72、0.60和0.13。说明制种玉米拔节-抽雄、抽雄-灌浆阶段对缺水的敏感程度远大于灌浆-成熟和播种-拔节阶段。综合作物耗水规律、产量、WUE和阶段水分生产函数,获得APRI下制种玉米的经济灌溉定额为2400 m3 hm-2。利用动态规划法确立制种玉米的优化灌溉制度为:拔节-抽雄期灌水3次,播种-拔节、抽雄-灌浆和灌浆-成熟期各灌水2次。其中,拔节前灌水定额采用180 m3 hm-2,拔节-灌浆时灌水定额为330 m3 hm-2,灌浆-成熟时灌水定额为195m3 hm-2。
[Abstract]:In the face of the widespread water and low fertilizer utilization rate in the world, the problem of resource waste and environmental pollution is caused by low fertilizer utilization rate. How to fully tap the adaptation potential of crop itself to water and nutrients and other environmental factors through the joint regulation and control of water and fertilizer, to realize high quality and high yield of crops, and to raise the efficiency of water and fertilizer utilization have become the focus of attention. The irrigation technology (APRI) has obtained good water-saving benefits since it was proposed, but the research on the coupling effect of APRI water and fertilizer is less concerned. In order to better play the water-saving effect of APRI, it is urgent to study the coupling mode and mechanism of water and nitrogen under APRI. This paper takes the 22 seed jade rice in the northwest of Jin as the test crop, using ridge planting furrow irrigation technology, in 2013 Field experiments were carried out in Wuwei scientific observation station in Wuwei for high efficiency water use in the Ministry of agriculture in 2014. The soil water and fertilizer environment and crop roots under different irrigation methods (uniform ditch irrigation CI, alternate furrow irrigation AI and fixed ditch irrigation FI) and nitrogen application (uniform nitrogen application CN, alternate nitrogen AN and fixed nitrogen FN) On the basis of APRI irrigation, the effects of different irrigation limits (55%Fc, 65%Fc and 75%Fc) and nitrogen application levels (100 kg N hm-2200 kg N hm-2 and 300 kg N) on crop growth and water and nitrogen utilization were studied on this basis. Adequate water supply CK, moderate water loss in seedling stage T1, severe water loss at seedling stage T2, moderate water loss at ear stage T3, T4 of severe water loss at spike stage, T5 of moderate water loss at the spike stage, T5 of moderate water in flower grain period and T6 of severe deficient water in flower grain period, the crop water production function and suitable irrigation system under APRI are constructed, and the following important progress is obtained: (1) research The accumulation process of dry matter in Maize under different irrigation and irrigation, grain yield and crop water use. The accumulation process of dry matter in each treatment is in accordance with the Logistic equation: the upper limit K of X=K? 1+ae-bt is different: under any irrigation method, AN and CN are obviously larger than FN, AICIFI (P0.05), and alternate furrow under any nitrogen application. The K value of AAT was the largest in alternating nitrogen application (AC) and alternately ditch irrigation. Compared with other irrigation methods, the grain dry matter quality and the proportion of total dry matter accumulation were significantly increased under the alternate nitrogen water and nitrogen application zone (AAY) of AC, AAT and alternate furrow irrigation. The performance of grain yield, harvest index and water use efficiency (WUE) was similar to that of K. It can be seen that the alternate nitrogen application (water and nitrogen same zone) or alternate ditch irrigation can improve the grain yield and water use efficiency of maize. (2) study the elongation stage and flared stage of maize seed production under different irrigation methods. Soil water and soil NO_3~--N distribution in the northern side of the filling stage and the mature stage, the southern side of the plant and the 0~100 cm soil layer under the plant. The results showed that the soil water content in the South and north sides of the plant was only significant when the irrigation mode was the same, and the soil water content between the two sides of the north and north of the plant was the same, and the soil between CN and AN was contained in the filling period. There was no significant difference in water content, the soil water content in the nitrogen application side at CI FN was larger than that in the non nitrogen application side. Under the same irrigation mode, the soil NO_3~--N content in the nitrogen application side under FN was larger than that in the non nitrogen application side. Under the same nitrogen application way, the soil NO_3~--N content in the 0~40 cm soil layer under the AI treatment plant increased. Compared with the CI, the content of the soil in the 0~40 cm soil layer was increased. Compared with the other irrigation methods, the content of the soil was higher than that of the other irrigation methods. There was no significant difference in soil NO_3~--N content between AC, AAT and AAY in the South and north of the plant, and there was no significant difference between the north and north sides of the plant and the larger layer in the 0~40 cm soil. It was suggested that the alternately ditch irrigation combined with the uniform nitrogen application or alternate nitrogen application was beneficial for the soil NO_3~--N to be evenly distributed in the 0~40 cm soil for a long time. (3) the growth and distribution of maize root system by irrigation and nitrogen application was studied. The results showed that there was no significant difference in root length density between the South and north sides of the 0~40 cm soil layer at the filling period, the 0~40 cm soil layer, and the north side of the plant, while FI and FN combined, the root length density difference between the South and north sides of the plant was significant. In most cases, 0~40 cm soil, under any nitrogen application, compared with CI and FI, AI increased plants under the plant. Compared with CN and AN, FN decreased the root length density.AAT under the plant and the maximum root length density under AAY and AC.AC, and the total root length (total root length, total root dry mass and total root surface area) of 0~100 cm soil under AAT and AAY. The root distribution of seed maize was relatively uniform and the root growth was promoted. The seed yield of Y (kg hm-2) and the root length density (CM cm-3) of the 0~40 cm soil layer at the grain filling stage, the relationship between the root dry mass density (mg cm-3) and the root surface area density (cm2 cm-3) were consistent with the exponential model Y=2102X11.03X20.92X30.45 and polynomial model. 1937.21X1+ 3553.85X2-2581.76X1X2. (4) studied the effect of irrigation and nitrogen application on nitrogen absorption and utilization of Maize in seed production. It was found that the uptake of nitrogen and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of crops under AI were significantly increased under any type of nitrogen application, compared with CI. Compared with CN and AN, the amount of nitrogen absorption and NUE significantly reduced.A under FN. The nitrogen utilization efficiency of crops under AT and AC was the greatest. It was suggested that alternate nitrogen application in alternate ditch irrigation (water and nitrogen same zone) or alternate ditch irrigation could improve the nitrogen use efficiency of seed corn by.15N tracer study. The results showed that when the nitrogen application was the same, compared with CI, the amount of fertilizer nitrogen absorbed by crops increased obviously under AI, and the crop under AI was under the same way. The absorption rate of fertilizer nitrogen (26.57%~29.01%) was close to the loss rate of fertilizer nitrogen (25.78%~27.41%), while the uptake rate of fertilizer nitrogen (22.93%~23.78%) under CI was significantly lower than that of fertilizer nitrogen (34.37%~34.88%). It showed that the alternate furrow irrigation promoted the absorption of fertilizer nitrogen and reduced fertilizer nitrogen compared with the traditional ditch irrigation. (5) the effects of different irrigation limits and nitrogen levels on the growth and yield formation of Maize under APRI were studied. Under any nitrogen application level, the growth rate, plant height, stem diameter and leaf area index of Maize under 65%Fc were increased significantly compared with 55%Fc. Under any irrigation lower limit, the above indexes of Maize under N2 were all clear. There was a significant increase in the indexes of.75%Fc and N2/N3. The aboveground biomass, the number of spikes, the number of spikes, the grain yield and the harvest index were similar to that of the growth rate under the different irrigation lower limits and nitrogen application levels, indicating that 75%Fc combined with 200 kg N hm-2 or 300 kg N hm-2 under APRI could maintain the exuberant growth of the top of the seed corn. The interaction of the lower irrigation limit and the nitrogen application level has a significant effect on the biomass and grain yield of the seed corn. The increase of the lower limit of water under the N1 level in the range of 55%Fc~65%Fc can increase the biomass and grain yield of the crops. Similarly, when the lower limit of irrigation is 75%Fc, the increase of nitrogen application level can increase the grain yield of corn. Quantity, but the lower limit of irrigation in 55%Fc, 200 kg N hm-2 above the increase of nitrogen application does not increase the biomass and grain yield. It shows that there is a compensation effect between the amount of water and fertilizer in a certain range, and the coordination of the lower limit of irrigation and the level of nitrogen can improve the grain yield of the maize under APRI. (6) the different irrigation limits under APRI are studied. The effect of nitrogen level on the water and nitrogen absorption and utilization of maize was found. The results showed that WUE showed 65%Fc75%Fc55%Fc (P0.05) at any nitrogen application level. Under the lower limit of any irrigation, the WUE of N2 and N3 increased obviously with.65%Fc and N2/N3 to obtain the maximum WUE. any nitrogen application level, and there was no significant difference in the amount of nitrogen absorption between 65%Fc and 75%Fc crops. The amount of nitrogen absorption of N2 and N3 increased obviously than that of N1 under any irrigation lower limit. With the increase of nitrogen application level, NUE decreased obviously and the NO_3~--N residue in 0~100 cm soil layer after harvest was obviously increased. It was found that the coordinated irrigation lower limit and nitrogen application level under APRI were the precondition of raising crop water and nitrogen use efficiency with the 200 K.65%Fc and 200 K. G N hm-2 can make WUE and NUE relatively high and reduce the residual amount of NO_3~--N in 0~100 cm soil layer after harvest. (7) the effects of different irrigation systems on the water consumption law, crop coefficient Kc, grain yield and WUE are analyzed under APRI. Water consumption intensity and Kc decreased. Compared with CK, the grain yield of T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 decreased significantly, but T1 had no significant difference, and the water consumption was less than CK 20.41%. indicated that the moderate water loss in the seedling stage could obviously improve the water use efficiency of the seed corn. Based on the Jensen model, the seed corn was obtained by sowing, jointing, pulling male and filling the male grain. The water loss sensitivity index (I) of the grain filling and the maturity stage was 0.03,0.72,0.60 and 0.13., respectively, indicating the jointing and pulling out of the maize, and the sensitivity of the male to the grain filling stage was much greater than that of the grain filling and the sowing and jointing stage. The water consumption law, the yield, the WUE and the stage water yield function of the integrated crop were obtained, and the economic irrigation of the maize under APRI was obtained. The quota is 2400 m3 hm-2. using the dynamic programming method to establish the optimal irrigation system for maize seed production: 3 times of irrigation, sowing, jointing, sowing, jointing, grouting and filling - mature period 2 times each. The irrigation quota before jointing is 180 m3 hm-2, the irrigation and filling quota is 330 m3 hm-2 at jointing and grouting, and the filling quota is 195m3 Hm-2.