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发布时间:2018-07-25 08:10
[Abstract]:Based on the measured data of currents, suspensions, surface sediments, columnar samples and bathymetric topography, the parameters of tidal current boundary layer inside and outside the mariculture area in different seasons are calculated in this paper. Combined with the numerical simulation of tidal current, wave and sediment, the analysis of sediment particle size trend, and the comparison of water depth and topography, the tidal current dynamics inside and outside the kelp culture season were compared with those in the no-culture season. The temporal and spatial variation of sediment distribution and transport, as well as the characteristics of scour and siltation of seafloor before and after aquaculture activities were analyzed, and the effects of mariculture activities on hydrodynamic and sedimentary environment in the study area were analyzed. In the water covered by kelp culture, the tidal current velocity is obviously weakened and the vertical profile characteristics of tidal current velocity are changed due to the effect of culture resistance. Under the influence of aquaculture activities, the vertical profile of tidal current velocity can form three typical abnormal models, which are standard double resistance velocity profile, stable upper layer, and double resistance velocity profile in middle and lower layers. And two double resistance velocity profiles of the upper and lower layers. These three different velocity profiles transform each other due to the variation of tidal current velocity and direction. The shear stress of the bottom boundary layer is weakened because of the existence of the kelp culture activity, which results in the weakening of the resuspension. Compared with the natural waters, the concentration of the near bottom layer and the vertical average suspended body in the culture zone decreases significantly. Because of the obvious weakening of velocity shear and turbulence in the posterior part of the kelp algae body and tidal current, there is a strong vertical mixing effect in the regional water body affected by the culture activities. The study area is generally in the state of scour under the natural state, and the scour area is located outside the headland of bedrock. The type of seabed sediment in this area is mainly coarse grain sediment such as sand and gravel, while there is certain siltation in the shallow water area of the inshore of the bay. After the activities of kelp culture were carried out, the sedimentary pattern of the study area changed, and a large area of siltation environment was formed inside the kelp culture area, while the siltation of the shallow water area inside the inner shore of the culture area weakened, and the coarsening of the inshore sediment appeared. The erosion in the north and south sides of bedrock headland and the west side of Heishi reef is weakened, and a certain range of fine grain deposition area is formed in the eastern sea area of the breeding area. In addition, because of seasonal variation in the growth of kelp, short-term seasonal alternation makes hydrodynamic conditions in the waters near the aquaculture area in the process of cyclic change, resulting in no sustainable and stable environment for scouring and silting on the seafloor. Instead, there are alternate processes of erosion and siltation, which will have a greater impact on the regional seabed sedimentary pattern.


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