[Abstract]:Scatophagus Argus, a widely salt marine fish, can adapt to different environmental salinity changes, especially the strong tolerance to salinity fluctuations. In view of this characteristic, we think that money fish is a good model of molecular mechanism in the study of salinity adaptation and regulation. This variety has become a new marine culture object in the south of China. Salinity is one of the important environmental factors, and it has an important influence on the growth and reproduction of marine organisms. At present, the research on the artificial reproduction of money fish is still in its infancy. In the breeding process, the molecular regulation mechanism caused by the salinity change is still not clear about.1. in this process. In this chapter, we aim to study the salinity tolerance regulation mechanism of dopamine and its receptors in the money fish brain. Dopamine is mainly composed and secreted by dopamine cells located in the central nervous system. We use LC-MS/MS technology to detect the content of DA, DA precursor (L-Dopa) and its metabolites in brain and plasma. In low salt domestication process In the brain, the content of HVA in L-Dopa, DA and plasma increased significantly (*p0.05; **p0.01). When high salt stress, the content of L-Dopa in the brain decreased significantly, but DA was not detected. In addition, we immobilized the brain tissue of the money fish under normal salinity by perfusion method and carried out the immunohistochemical localization experiment. The RT-q PCR method was used for the acute fresh water stress. The expression of 1 kinds of dopamine receptors in the brain tissue was detected. By immunofluorescence staining, we found that SaDRD1 and SaDRD5 were expressed in the striatum of the money fish. By fluorescence quantitative experiments, we found that the expression of SaDRD1 and SaDRD5 increased significantly under acute fresh water stress and did not detect SaDR at the time of stress 7d. D5 expression. Western Blotting technique was used to detect the protein expression level of D1 receptor, and it was found that the change trend was in accordance with the RTqPCR results. Low salt stress caused the increase of SaDRD1 and SaDRD5 in the brain of money fish indicating that the exodus of sodium ion / osmotic factor could cause the up regulation of two types of subtypes. Functional changes are reflected in the decline in the expression of NKA protein. In summary, we have shown that the changes in environmental salinity can affect the DA synthesis and secretion in the brain of the money fish, and the response of the dopamine system to fresh water stress is mainly by activating the D1 receptor, thus inhibiting the activity of NKA or the expression of protein to maintain the state of brain osmotic balance. Our results provide a new approach to study the molecular mechanism of salinity tolerance in hard fishes..2. studies are of great significance for the regulation of osmotic pressure related genes in the regulation organs of money fish salinity. We use comparative genomics to study the money fish kidney under long-term salinity domestication. We extracted the total RNA of the renal osmotic pressure. We extracted the total RNA of the kidney from the RNA isometric mixing of three experimental groups and constructed two cDNA libraries (low salt domestication and high salt domestication group). Using Illumina double terminal sequencing technology, the clean data of more than 575 million of the length of 150bp was sequenced, and 186397 adjacent segments were removed. After redundant data, 43933 genes with an average length of 2022 BP were obtained. In these data, 14259 (32.45%) transcripts were successfully annotated to the NCBI-NR library. The potential genes were annotated and predicted by GO, KEGG annotation and KOG analysis. We identified the results based on the sequence analysis and published research results. A candidate gene for the dopamine system associated with long-term salinity adaptation in the money fish kidney. These transcriptional data provide valuable new data for the physiological studies of the fish. The in-depth study of related gene functions is important for the breeding, growth, and disease control of money fish. Our results are widely salting fish. The in-depth study of osmotic pressure regulation provides a reliable basis for.3. dopamine as an important regulator of renal urinary sodium excretion, which is crucial to the adaptation to environmental salinity changes in animals. However, the molecular mechanism of dopamine to promote this adaptive regulation is not very clear. When fresh water stresses, how does dopamine affect its hypotonic adaptation regulation. After the sea water turns to fresh water, the content of dopamine in the serum is reduced. The expression of dopamine receptor 1 in the kidneys (named SaDRD1) triggers the cascade reaction of osmotic pressure regulation. In vivo experimental evidence shows that SaDRD1 is mainly expressed in the proximal tubules of the kidney. In the cultured renal primary cells, SaDRD1 was expressed on the cell membrane. The activity of Na+/K+-ATP enzyme (NKA) increased significantly (*p0.05) after the knockdown of SaDRD1mRNA in the primary renal cells by siRNA interference technique, which indicated that the expression of SaDRD1 in the kidney might inhibit the activity of NKA. The primary renal cells were transferred from the isosotic medium to low level. After culture in the infiltration medium, the appropriate dose of exogenous dopamine gives NKA response to low salt stress early. Our results show that the dopamine secreted by the money fish kidneys activates the dopamine system through SaDRD1, regulates downstream signaling pathways and ultimately inhibits NKA activity. Therefore, we think the excitation of the dopamine system in the money fish kidney. It promotes the adaptation of the organism to the low permeability environment, and provides a new vision for the study of the mechanism of low salt response in fish..4. money fish and male individuals have the same genome. However, compared with the male, the female fish grow faster and larger. The difference in this phenotype can be regulated by gene differential expression and sex specific regulation. The difference of molecular regulation mechanism in the development of male and female sex gland of money fish was analyzed by large scale transcriptome sequencing. Using Illumina double terminal sequencing technology, high flux sequencing was carried out for the II, III and IV male and female gonads of money fish, and 9.44 x 108 clean reads. were annotated by NCBI-NR database to obtain 33520 u. By analyzing the data of the transcriptome, nigenes. found that there was a difference in the expression of the genes related to dopamine. These data help us to screen the sex determining genes, determine the sex differentially expressed genes and verify the expression patterns of these genes.
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