[Abstract]:Spikelet fertility is one of the determinants of high yield in rice. High and stable spikelet setting rate is an important characteristic of super high yield hybrid rice. The molecular mechanism of Semisterility in flowering plants is of great significance for overcoming the problem of Semisterility in production. In the process of fertilization, the growth of pollen tube in pistil is the process of recognition between pollen tube and pistil. As the main organ of photosynthesis, leaf is very important for the growth and development of seed plants. In rice breeding, long, narrow, thin, erect and properly curled leaves are the important characteristics of Super-high-yielding hybrid rice. In this study, a new spikelet semi-sterile mutant was studied. OsCNGC13 could promote programmed cell death in the pollen tube pathway and promote the growth of pollen tube during rice fertilization. The results are as follows:1. In addition, studies on a new rice leaf roll mutant have shown that OsZHD1 plays an important role in rice morphogenesis, especially in the formation and distribution of vesicular cells. Overexpression of OsZHD1 results in leaf curl, increased number and abnormal alignment of vesicular cells. The main results were as follows: 1. ORF1 mutation was the main reason for the decrease of seed setting rate. Cytological observation showed that the mutant had normal floral organ morphology, pollen grain development and germination in vitro, but abnormal pollen tube growth and polar nucleus position of embryo sac. Genetic analysis showed that the mutation was controlled by a single dominant gene. The result of genome sequencing showed that 44-kb fragment was inverted in the mutant, and the fragments on both sides were located in ORF1 and ORF 3 respectively. The result of the ORF1 truncated to form NewORF1.3'RACE showed that the sequence difference between NewORF1 and ORF1 was C-terminal. Over-expression of ORF1 in W109sss1-D increased the seed setting rate of transgenic plants; knockout of ORF1 in wild-type plants by Crispr technology resulted in a decrease of seed setting rate in all eight positive families. 2. ORF1 encodes a cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel (cyclic cn-n). Ucleotide-gated channels (CNGCs) protein OsCNGC13, which controls spikelet fertility by regulating programmed cell death in the style, was found to be a constitutive expression pattern and accumulated in the pistil. The rice and tobacco systems indicated that the subcellular localization of OsCNGC13 was in the cell membrane. GC13 is a calcium channel protein. There are three calmodulin in rice and all of them can interact with OsCNGC13, but no homologous protein can interact with OsCNGC13 in 16 members of the rice CNGC family. In addition, the mutant was found to be lighter and less extensive than the wild type. At 30 minutes after anthesis, dead cells in the pollen tube passage of 9311 were observed, but the corresponding parts of the mutant were still intact. A large number of intercellular spaces were observed in the 9311 pollen tube channel, but only a few cells died out in the mutant. 3. OsZHHD1 controlled rice leaf curl. Cytological observation of the anti-curling mutant showed that the number of vesicular cells in the mutant leaves increased and arranged abnormally. Overexpression of the homeobox transcription factor OsZHD1 results in leaf roll reversal in rice. OsZHD1 is constitutively expressed and accumulated in developing leaves and spikes. Overexpression of OsZHHD1 in wild type results in leaf roll reversal in all transgenic positive families.
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