Effects of Grazing and Mowing on Grassland Soils, Plants and
发布时间:2022-12-08 01:52
【文章页数】:111 页
1.1 Background and research progresses
1.1.1 General features of grasslands
1.1.2 Utilization of grazing and mowing
1.1.3 Livestock grazing and soil properties in grasslands
1.1.4 Livestock grazing and plant community in grasslands
1.1.5 Livestock grazing and insect community in grasslands
1.1.6 Mowing and soil properties in grasslands
1.1.7 Mowing and plant community in grasslands
1.1.8 Mowing and insect community in grasslands
1.1.9 Trophic cascades in grasslands
1.2 Ecological stoichiometry
1.3 Ecological stoichiometric linkages among trophic levels
1.4 Justification
1.5 Aims and scope of the study
Chapter2:Materials and methods
2.1 Study area
2.1.1 Geographical overview
2.1.2 Experimental site
2.2 Experimental design and treatment
2.3 Soil sampling and measurement
2.4 Plant and litter sampling
2.5 Insect sampling and measurement
2.6 Chemical analyses for insect total C,N and P
2.7 Insect feeding behavior
2.8 Statistical analyses
Chapter3:Effects of grazing and mowing on soil Physiochemical properties
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and methods
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Grazing/mowing and soil physical properties
3.3.2 Grazing/mowing and soil chemical properties
3.3.3 Relationships among soil nutrients and their ratios
3.4 Discussion
3.4.1 Effects of grazing and mowing on soil physical properties
3.4.2 Effects of grazing and mowing on soil stoichiometry
3.4.3 Effects of grazing ang mowing on soil C:N:P ratios and their relationship
3.5 Conclusions
Chapter4:Effects of grazing and mowing on plant community diversity and productivity
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Materials and methods
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Grazing/mowing and plant community diversity
4.3.2 Grazing/mowing and shoot,root and total biomass
4.3.3 Grazing/mowing and ratios among shoot,root and total biomass
4.3.4 Grazing/mowing and grasses and forbs biomass
4.3.5 Grazing/mowing and ratios among grass,forb and shoot biomass
4.3.6 Grazing/mowing and litter biomass
4.3.7 Relationships between plant species evenness and shoot,root,and shoot biomass
4.3.8 Relationships between plant species richness and shoot,root,and shoot biomass
4.3.9 Grazing/mowing and grass,forb,and total density
4.3.10 Grazing/mowing and ratios among grass,forb and total density
4.3.11 Grazing/mowing and mean,grass and forb height
4.4 Discussion
4.4.1 Effects of grazing and mowing on plant community diversity
4.4.2 Effects of grazing and mowing on plant community productivity
4.4.3 Relationship between biomass and diversity
4.4.4 Effect of grazing and mowing on plant community composition
4.5 Conclusions
Chapter5:Effects of grazing and mowing on insect diversity and abundance
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Materials and methods
5.3 Results
5.3.1 Grazing/mowing and total insect diversity
5.3.2 Grazing/mowing and total insect abundance
5.3.3 Grazing/mowing and insect abundance of different trophic groups
5.3.4 Relationships between plant species evenness and insect diversity
5.3.5 Relationships between plant species richness and insect diversity
5.3.6 Relationships between plant biomass and total insect abundance
5.3.7 Relationship between plant biomass and herbivore insect abundance
5.4 Discussion
5.4.1 Effects of grazing and mowing on insect diversity
5.4.2 Effects of grazing and mowing on insect community composition
5.4.3 Relationship among plant,insect diversity and abundance
5.5 Conclusions
Chapter6:Effect of grazing and mowing on ecological stoichiometric linkages amongtrophic levels
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Materials and methods
6.3 Results
6.3.1 Grazing/mowing and soil nutrients concentration and C:N:P stoichiometry
6.3.2 Grazing/mowing and plant nutrients concentration and C:N:P stoichiometry
6.3.3 Grazing/mowing and insect nutrients concentration and C:N:P stoichiometry
6.3.4 Grazing/mowing and insect feeding behavior
6.4 Discussion
6.4.1 Effects of grazing and mowing on soil and plant stoichiometry
6.4.2 Stoichiometric characteristic response to insect abundance and feeding behavior
6.5 Conclusions
Chapter:7 General conclusions
7.1 Main conclusions
7.2 Suggestions for further research and management implications
List of publications
【文章页数】:111 页
1.1 Background and research progresses
1.1.1 General features of grasslands
1.1.2 Utilization of grazing and mowing
1.1.3 Livestock grazing and soil properties in grasslands
1.1.4 Livestock grazing and plant community in grasslands
1.1.5 Livestock grazing and insect community in grasslands
1.1.6 Mowing and soil properties in grasslands
1.1.7 Mowing and plant community in grasslands
1.1.8 Mowing and insect community in grasslands
1.1.9 Trophic cascades in grasslands
1.2 Ecological stoichiometry
1.3 Ecological stoichiometric linkages among trophic levels
1.4 Justification
1.5 Aims and scope of the study
Chapter2:Materials and methods
2.1 Study area
2.1.1 Geographical overview
2.1.2 Experimental site
2.2 Experimental design and treatment
2.3 Soil sampling and measurement
2.4 Plant and litter sampling
2.5 Insect sampling and measurement
2.6 Chemical analyses for insect total C,N and P
2.7 Insect feeding behavior
2.8 Statistical analyses
Chapter3:Effects of grazing and mowing on soil Physiochemical properties
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and methods
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Grazing/mowing and soil physical properties
3.3.2 Grazing/mowing and soil chemical properties
3.3.3 Relationships among soil nutrients and their ratios
3.4 Discussion
3.4.1 Effects of grazing and mowing on soil physical properties
3.4.2 Effects of grazing and mowing on soil stoichiometry
3.4.3 Effects of grazing ang mowing on soil C:N:P ratios and their relationship
3.5 Conclusions
Chapter4:Effects of grazing and mowing on plant community diversity and productivity
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Materials and methods
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Grazing/mowing and plant community diversity
4.3.2 Grazing/mowing and shoot,root and total biomass
4.3.3 Grazing/mowing and ratios among shoot,root and total biomass
4.3.4 Grazing/mowing and grasses and forbs biomass
4.3.5 Grazing/mowing and ratios among grass,forb and shoot biomass
4.3.6 Grazing/mowing and litter biomass
4.3.7 Relationships between plant species evenness and shoot,root,and shoot biomass
4.3.8 Relationships between plant species richness and shoot,root,and shoot biomass
4.3.9 Grazing/mowing and grass,forb,and total density
4.3.10 Grazing/mowing and ratios among grass,forb and total density
4.3.11 Grazing/mowing and mean,grass and forb height
4.4 Discussion
4.4.1 Effects of grazing and mowing on plant community diversity
4.4.2 Effects of grazing and mowing on plant community productivity
4.4.3 Relationship between biomass and diversity
4.4.4 Effect of grazing and mowing on plant community composition
4.5 Conclusions
Chapter5:Effects of grazing and mowing on insect diversity and abundance
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Materials and methods
5.3 Results
5.3.1 Grazing/mowing and total insect diversity
5.3.2 Grazing/mowing and total insect abundance
5.3.3 Grazing/mowing and insect abundance of different trophic groups
5.3.4 Relationships between plant species evenness and insect diversity
5.3.5 Relationships between plant species richness and insect diversity
5.3.6 Relationships between plant biomass and total insect abundance
5.3.7 Relationship between plant biomass and herbivore insect abundance
5.4 Discussion
5.4.1 Effects of grazing and mowing on insect diversity
5.4.2 Effects of grazing and mowing on insect community composition
5.4.3 Relationship among plant,insect diversity and abundance
5.5 Conclusions
Chapter6:Effect of grazing and mowing on ecological stoichiometric linkages amongtrophic levels
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Materials and methods
6.3 Results
6.3.1 Grazing/mowing and soil nutrients concentration and C:N:P stoichiometry
6.3.2 Grazing/mowing and plant nutrients concentration and C:N:P stoichiometry
6.3.3 Grazing/mowing and insect nutrients concentration and C:N:P stoichiometry
6.3.4 Grazing/mowing and insect feeding behavior
6.4 Discussion
6.4.1 Effects of grazing and mowing on soil and plant stoichiometry
6.4.2 Stoichiometric characteristic response to insect abundance and feeding behavior
6.5 Conclusions
Chapter:7 General conclusions
7.1 Main conclusions
7.2 Suggestions for further research and management implications
List of publications