
发布时间:2021-10-06 16:00
  本论文认为语言是个多层构造的复杂系统,语言研究的主要目的之一便在于揭开个各界面的互动规律。在优选论(OT)的框架下,本论文通过建立句法和信息结构的约束条件来探讨句法和信息结构的互动界面。本论文的分析主要基于句法成分的排序,不涉及音系、形态和词汇的语义实现方式。本论文采用标准OT句法的假设,认为语言输出的表层结构受制于普遍语法(UG)的窄式X’理论,CP和IP范畴以外的功能词组范畴本文将不涉及。与标准OT句法理论不同的是,本文在输入系统的赋值上,采用词汇函项语法(LFG)的框架,在输入系统中纳入语法功能和信息结构的赋值。本论文认为信息结构属语言系统的一个独立层面,与句法、语义和语法功能等结构一起共同参与竞争,生成最优的表层形式。根据Choi(1996)提出的信息结构系统,本文认为依据不同的句法表现,信息结构应包含话题(topic)、尾部(tail)、对比焦点(contrastive focus)和信息焦点(presentational focus)。话题以认知的方式定义为知识库中的链接和参照点,在句法结构中通常嫁接于最高投射的左侧或右侧。焦点被认为是表达形式中最具信息值且带有重音的句法成... 

【文章来源】:上海外国语大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:205 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
    Ⅰ.1 Theoretical Brackground
    Ⅰ.2 Research Objectives
    Ⅰ.3 Methodology and Data
    Ⅰ.4 Research Scope
    Ⅰ.5 Structure of the Dissertation
Chapter 2 Brief Historical Survey of Information Structure
    Ⅱ.1 Information Structure as a Distinct Level
        Ⅱ.1.1 Bipartite Approach
        Ⅱ.1.2 Tripartite Approach
        Ⅱ.1.3 Quadripartite Approach
    Ⅱ.2 Approaching IS from Phonology and Syntax
        Ⅱ.2.1 Deriving Focus from Stress
        Ⅱ.2.2 Deriving information structure from Syntax
    Ⅱ.3 Multi-Dimensional Architectures
        Ⅱ.3.1 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG) and Head Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG)
        Ⅱ.3.2 Role and Reference Grammar (RRG)
        Ⅱ.3.3 Lexical Function Grammar (LFG)
    Ⅱ.4 Topical Research in Chinese
        Ⅱ.4.1 Topic as Part of Grammatical Structure
        Ⅱ.4.2 Approaching Topic from Functional Grammar
        Ⅱ.4.3 Approaching Topic from Syntax
    Ⅱ.5 Arguments for a Multi-Dimensional Construction
Chapter 3 Optimality Theory and Syntax
    Ⅲ.1 Basic Concepts of OT
        Ⅲ.1.1 Language as a System of Conflicting Constraints
        Ⅲ.1.2 Constraints: Universality and Violability
        Ⅲ.1.3 OT Grammar as an Input-Output Device
        Ⅲ.1.4 Architecture of an OT Grammar
    Ⅲ.2 OT-Syntax
        Ⅲ.2.1 Constraint Inventory of OT-Syntax
        Ⅲ.2.2 Lexicon and Input in OT Syntax
        Ⅲ.2.3 Generation in OT-syntax
    Ⅲ.3 Conclusion
Chapter 4 Information Structure and its Constraints
    Ⅳ.1 Information Structure as a Separate Representation
    Ⅳ.2 Primitives of Information Structure
        Ⅳ.2.1 Traditional Binominal Primitives
        Ⅳ.2.2 Vallduví’s and Choi’s Primitives
        Ⅳ.2.3 Discussion on Primitives
    Ⅳ.3 Topic
        Ⅳ.3.1 Definition of Topic
        Ⅳ.3.2 Topic and Subject
        Ⅳ. 3 .3 Syntactic Realization of Topic
        Ⅳ.3.4 Alignment of Topic
    Ⅳ.4 Focus
        Ⅳ.4.1 Definition of focus
        Ⅳ.4.2 Topic and Contrastive Focus
        Ⅳ.4.3 Syntactic Realization of Focus
        Ⅳ.4.4 Alignment of Focus
    Ⅳ.5 Canonical Information Structure
    Ⅳ.6 Conclusion
Chapter 5 The Subject Condition in English and Chinese
    Ⅴ.1 Emergence of Unmarked Construction
    Ⅴ.2 Constraint Hierarchy on the Canonical Structure
    Ⅴ.3 Subject Condition and Focus Alignment in English
    Ⅴ.4 Subject-Drop and Focus Alignment in Chinese
Chapter 6 Topicalization in English and Chinese
    Ⅵ.1 Topicalization in English and Chinese
    Ⅵ.2 NP Movement in English and Chinese
        Ⅵ.2.1 UG Analysis of NP movement
        Ⅵ.2.2 An IS Approach to NP Movement under OT
    Ⅵ.3 Dangling Topics
    Ⅵ.4 Super-Raised Topic Structure
    Ⅵ.5 Object Shift
    Ⅵ.6 Conclusion
Chapter 7 Wh-Movement in English and Chinese
    Ⅶ.1 UG and Traditional OT Analysis
    Ⅶ.2 Interrogatives and Information Units
        Ⅶ.2.1 Wh-Movement and Information Structure in English
        Ⅶ.2.2 Wh-Phrase in situ
Chapter 8 Overall Conclusion
Appendix: Constraints Applied in the Dissertation

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