
发布时间:2022-09-27 17:36

【文章页数】:236 页


    1. An Overview of DeLillo's Literary Works
    2. A Review on the DeLillo Studies in both America and China
    3. Theoretical Background and Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter 1 Postsecularism:A New Faith that Originates from Postmodern Philosophy
    1.1 The Problematization:Reflections on the Secular
    1.2 Philosophical Temperament: Postmodern Theology
    1.3 Theoretical Core: Secular Spirituality
    1.4 Practical Value: Two-Level Ethicization
Chapter 2 Problem atization:The Human Predicament and Losing Battles to Fight
    2.1 De-legitimatization of Life's Meaning: Subjectivity in Crisis
        2.1.1 Americana: Image Culture and Implosion of Subjectivity
        2.1.2 Great Jones Street: Consumerism, Mass Culture and Formulation of Subjectivity
        2.1.3 White Noise: Absurd Interaction between Subject and Object
    2.2 Resistance against De-legitimatization:Repression
        2.2.1 End Zone:Football and Nuclear War Jargon for Fake Self-redemption
        2.2.2 Underworld: Logocentric Logic and Cold War Mentality
        2.2.3 Great Jones Street: Retreat and Modernist Rock-n'-Roll
    2.3 Resistance against De-legitimization:Engagement
    2.4 Failures in Subjectivity Reconstruction and Hope in the Crises
        2.4.1 End Zone:End of a Daydream about Logos
        2.4.2 Great Jones Street: Absorption into Market and Continual Packaging of Selfhood
        2.4.3 Americana: Spurious Assertion of Subjectivity
        2.4.4 Underworld: Light of Hope in Holy Insecurity
    2.5 A Summary
Chapter 3 Incarnations of Secular Spirituality: Transcendence and Immanence
    3.1 The Names: Language
        3.1.1 Blood-dripping Sacrifice to Fake Spirituality
        3.1.2 "Automatic Writing":Language as an Incarnation of the Spiritual
        3.1.3 "Little Narrative":an Exemplary "Automatic Writing"
    3.2 Libra:"Small History" vs. "Big History"
        3.2.1 The Warren Report and Conspiracy Theory
        3.2.2 "Small History": Libran Personality as Secular Spirituality
        3.2.3 Spirituality in History: Convergence between "Small History" and "Big History"
    3.3 Underworld: Consumerism and City Life
        3.3.1 Consumerism: The Billboard
        3.3.2 City Life: Cityscape and Train Light
        3.3.3 Fallen Angel's Impact upon the Spectators
    3.4 Cosmopolis: Cybercapitalism
        3.4.1 The Unrepresentable Techno-capital
        3.4.2 Death Drive: Eric Packer's Self-dissolution and Redemption
Chapter 4 Means of Pursuit of Secular Spirituality:To-dos and Not-to-dos
    4.1 Individuation and Epistemological Reconfiguration: Underworld and Falling Man
        4.1.1 Individuation: Underworld
        4.1.2 Affirmation of Vulnerability and Secularization of Catholic Faith: Falling Man 156
    4.2 Communality: White Noise, Underworld and End Zone
        4.2.1 Ecological Crisis and Sacred Bond: White Noise
        4.2.2 Communal Testimony to Secular Spirituality: Underworld
        4.2.3 Real Athleticism: Logos-free Play of Football in End Zone
    4.3 Cult of Personality, Terrorism and Mediatization: Vicious Postsecular Faith in Mao Ⅱ
    4.4 Fictional Art's Postsecular Mission: Two Main Characters in Mao Ⅱ

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[2]《大都会》:机器与死亡[J]. 李楠.  外国文学. 2014(02)
[3]唐·德里罗小说中的技术与主体性[J]. 朱荣华.  当代外语研究. 2013(04)
[4]从德里罗“9·11”小说看美国社会心理创伤[J]. 张加生.  当代外国文学. 2012(03)
[5]从德里罗《坠落的人》看美国后“9·11”文学中的创伤书写[J]. 朴玉.  当代外国文学. 2011(02)
[6]德里罗的《美国志》解读[J]. 周敏.  中国社会科学院研究生院学报. 2010(06)
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[10]冷战时期的美国“地下”世界——德里罗《地下世界》的文化解读[J]. 周敏.  外国文学. 2009(02)

[1]快感与焦虑[D]. 张瑞红.中央民族大学 2013




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