本文关键词:泉州市社区治理中“三社联动”的问题研究 出处:《华侨大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the background of the transformation and innovation of social management of our government governance, to promote all kinds of social organizations and social workers to undertake government functions has become the only way which must be passed. In order to improve the efficiency of the Quanzhou municipal government departments, the use of "three agency linkage" to promote the construction of community service, take the initiative to the government public service resources to sink, through the provision of professional society service, meet the needs of the community residents has different service requirements. Quanzhou city "three agency linkage" has just started, it has achieved some results, but there are still some problems, mainly the community autonomy ability is insufficient, community governance means is relatively single, community residents to actively participate in consciousness, development of social organization is not perfect. In order to put forward to Quanzhou "three agency linkage" to participate in community governance suggestions, the paper also selected some domestic and foreign city community as a reference, on behalf of the Community governance mode for comparative analysis, thus proposed in Quanzhou city community governance, should strengthen leadership, increase investment in community construction funds, strengthen social organization and social work team construction, improve the community consciousness, cultivate good community culture. This paper is divided into seven chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, elaborated the research background of the topic, literature research and basic ideas and methods in the world. The second chapter briefly summarized the relevant concepts, and community, social organizations, social workers in the analysis of "three agency linkage in the role. The third chapter is the case analysis, the Dongfeng community AFP community and Fengze District in cases described in Quanzhou" three agency linkage "to participate in community governance. The fourth chapter study in Quanzhou city community governance in the" three social interaction "problems and analyzes the reasons. The fifth chapter The community governance in three cities at home and abroad is compared and analyzed, and the experience is summarized. The sixth chapter puts forward the suggestion of improving the "three society linkage" in the community governance of Quanzhou. The seventh chapter is the conclusion and deficiency of the research.
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