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发布时间:2018-02-09 21:32

  本文关键词: 互联网专车 运营模式 监管 监管模式 出处:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The rise of the Internet private car industry has met the diverse travel needs of the people, alleviated the problem of urban ride-hailing, and created new value for the society. However, the development of the Internet private car industry has also brought some problems, such as the protection of the rights and interests of passengers. Personal information security, conflicts of interest with the traditional taxi industry, and so on, require the administrative departments to effectively supervise them. Since July 27th 2016, the central and local authorities have issued relevant legal documents, giving the special car industry a legal status. And has made provisions from the aspects of platform qualification, vehicle and driver requirements, so that the special car industry is under multi-directional and multi-sectoral supervision. However, judging from the current regulatory status of the Internet special car, There are deficiencies in laws and regulations and regulatory means, which need further improvement and perfection. This paper will discuss the following four parts: the first part, the general situation of the Internet car industry, the second part, This paper expounds the present situation of the supervision of the Internet car industry in China, and analyzes the problems existing in the supervision. The third part investigates the supervision methods of the private car industry in foreign countries, and sums up the points for our country's reference. Part 4th, To our country Internet special car industry administrative supervision puts forward the optimized proposal.


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