发布时间:2018-03-14 12:42
本文选题:感恩 切入点:感恩缺失 出处:《华东师范大学》2007年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 当前我国正处于转型期的关键时刻,感恩的缺失既是社会发展中的负面因素,同时也说明作为最基础层面的社会道德出现了问题。它折射出社会发展中一些人为了追求个体的幸福、享乐和私利而违背自己的道德良知,,对于曾经给予过自己帮助的人不去感恩。笔者试图以《感恩的缺失与感恩教育的策略》为题进行研究和探讨,旨在说明当前在我国进行感恩教育的重要性和针对性,进而探讨感恩教育作为道德情感教育在思想政治教育中的实效性。 第一部分是关于感恩内涵和感恩教育的分析。在感恩的内涵分析里主要是梳理关于感恩的概念、感恩的元素和关系性特征。 第二部分是已有的一些感恩教育的思想和实践,如对与中国传统文化有着深刻渊源的韩国、新加坡、日本的感恩思想与感恩教育实践以及所收到的实效进行分析,探讨我国进行感恩教育的必要性。 第三部分是当今感恩的缺失现象。主要围绕社会转型期人们感恩思想的缺失,选取家庭、学校、人际关系和社会见义勇为等感恩缺失的一些个案和实证性材料,进而对这些个案进行归类、根据调查的结果进行分析,揭示感恩缺失给人们带来巨大的精神痛苦。 第四部分是对感恩教育的价值定位。通过对感恩思想的深入剖析,分清现代感恩教育不同于传统社会要求人们愚忠愚孝的思想。现代的感恩教育是在对传统孝文化破和立的基础上提炼出来而建立新型感恩文化基础上的教育,它和社会主义荣辱观教育紧密联系在一起,借助情感教育理念和建构和谐社会的理念,使现代感恩教育有一个合理的定位。 第五部分则是感恩教育的实施策略。首先,引导人们树立正确的感恩观念。其次,根据具体情况制定感恩教育的具体方案,有条件地开发感恩教育的相关课程和进行感恩教育的方法研究。 本文的创新之处主要在于感恩观念上的创新,即对感恩教育的价值定位。通过对感恩思想的深入剖析,分清现代感恩教育既不同于传统的孝文化,也有别于宗教里的感恩思想;提出感恩思想是对传统孝道的扬弃,感恩教育既是道德情感教育,也属于正确的价值观教育。
[Abstract]:China is in a critical moment of the transition period, the negative factors of gratitude is the lack of social development, but also shows as the most basic level of social moral problems. It reflects the social development of some people in the pursuit of individual happiness, enjoyment and profit against their conscience, to have given they help people not to be grateful. The author attempts to study and discuss with the lack of gratitude and gratitude education "strategy" title, to show the current in our country the importance of thanksgiving education and targeted, and then discuss the Thanksgiving education as a moral emotion education in the ideological and political education effectiveness.
The first part is about the analysis of gratitude connotation and thanksgiving education. In the analysis of gratitude, we mainly sort out the concept of Thanksgiving, elements of gratitude and relational characteristics.
The second part is the existing ideas and practices of thanksgiving education, such as analyzing the gratitude thought and the practice of thanksgiving education and the actual effect received, which is deeply rooted in Chinese traditional culture, and discussing the necessity of carrying out Thanksgiving Education in China.
The third part is the lack of gratitude. The mainly focus on the social transition of the thought of gratitude is missing, from family, school, social relationships and lack of gratitude courageous and so some of the case and empirical material, and these cases were classified and analyzed according to the investigation results, revealing a lack of gratitude will bring great spiritual pain to the people.
The fourth part is the value orientation of thanksgiving education. Through the in-depth analysis of the thought of gratitude, to distinguish between the modern Thanksgiving education is different from the traditional society requires people fealty fools filial piety thought. The modern Thanksgiving education is established based on the new type of thanksgiving culture education in the refined on the basis of the traditional filial piety culture of destruction and construction on it and the socialist concept of honor and disgrace closely together, with the help of emotion education idea and the idea of building a harmonious society, the modern Thanksgiving education have a reasonable position.
The fifth part is the implementation strategy of thanksgiving education. First, guide people to set up the correct concept of gratitude. Secondly, according to the specific circumstances, we formulate the specific program of thanksgiving education, and develop the related courses of thanksgiving education and the method of Thanksgiving Education conditionally.
The innovation of this paper is on the concept of Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving education value orientation. Through in-depth analysis of the thought of gratitude, to distinguish between the modern Thanksgiving education is different from the traditional culture of filial piety, but also different from the religious thought of gratitude; this Thanksgiving thought is to discard the traditional filial piety, Thanksgiving education is not only moral emotional education, also belong to the correct values of education.
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