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发布时间:2018-04-06 20:41

  本文选题:储蓄合同 切入点:银行责任 出处:《南昌大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The development of economy has promoted the prosperity of the banking industry, brought about the soaring number of bank cards, and accordingly brought the increasing number of disputes about bank cards, and the most common of them is the bank card deposit fraud cases.For the confirmation and distribution of bank responsibility in this kind of cases, the relevant laws are lack of clear provisions, and there is no uniform standard of adjudication in judicial practice.This situation is not in line with the interests of cardholders, nor can it satisfy the banks' desire for goodwill protection, and it is not conducive to the maintenance of national financial security.In view of the deficiency of this theory and the unclear legislation, it is necessary to make up for the outland experience on the basis of the existing theory.After the detailed analysis of the legal relationship of savings contracts, this paper holds that, first of all, the nature of deposit contracts should not be too entangled, but should pay more attention to the establishment of specific rights and obligations in order to better protect the interests of cardholders.Second, the ownership of bank card deposits should belong to the bank, for which the cardholder has claims, and the bank has the right to use the deposit, at the same time, it has the obligation of payment, the obligation of prudence and the obligation of safety and security.As far as the nature of bank liability in the case of deposit taking is concerned, there may be a competition between the liability for breach of contract and the liability for tort. However, the liability for breach of contract has an overall advantage for the cardholder in a comprehensive judgment; in addition, under the liability for breach of contract,In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the cardholder in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the cardholder, the cardholder may be trapped in an awkward position where the burden of proof can not be proved. The system of the burden of proof under this item should be dealt with in a corresponding technical manner, and the burden of proof shall be reversed, and the bank shall prove itself without fault;Finally, in view of the deficiency of the present situation, this paper puts forward some suggestions for improvement, such as the explicit stipulation of savings contract in the contract law, the establishment of the maximum liability limit system, and so on, in the hope that it will be helpful to solve the problem.


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