本文选题:残疾人 + 社会保障 ; 参考:《吉林财经大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, the disabled group is considered to be a vulnerable group among the urban residents, because of its own defects, it has many inconvenience in its daily life, facing many difficult problems that can not be solved by itself.Because of this, the state gives the disabled more help and recognition.According to the results of the investigation, with the development of society, especially the great progress brought by the reform and opening up, the disabled people in our country have been greatly improved in social assistance, but there are also many problems.Most of the disabled in cities are still struggling to get out of poverty, not only that, but they also suffer from a series of problems in their daily lives.As a result of poverty, many disabled people need to maintain their daily livelihood through subsistence.Most people with disabilities, especially mild ones, are eager to integrate into society.However, low levels of education and physical problems generally make it difficult for the majority of persons with disabilities to integrate into society.With regard to the means and measures of assistance to the disabled, the government pays too much attention to protecting the living facilities of the disabled and neglects the particularity of their groups. Therefore, their support must take into account the personal feelings of the disabled groups and adhere to social education and medical treatment.Employment and other aspects of social assistance to the disabled.This article starts from the city angle of view, unifies the domestic and foreign each domain carries on the summary research.In view of the current situation of the life and development of the disabled in our country, integrate relevant information to rationally analyze and discuss the practical problems faced by the disabled in their lives, so as to solve the problems and deficiencies in the existing relief system.Put forward the safeguard measures to perfect the social assistance for urban disabled people in our country.
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