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发布时间:2018-04-22 15:32

  本文选题:政府 + 国企改革 ; 参考:《吉林财经大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The reform of state-owned enterprises plays an important role in the economic transformation and development of our country, and successive governments have attached great importance to this topic. The government is the first promoter of the reform of state-owned enterprises. The attitude and strategy of the government determine the success or failure of the reform of state-owned enterprises. Whether the role of the government is accurate or not has a direct impact on the implementation of the concrete behavior of the government, and it is the core of the embodiment of the administrative ability of the government. To clarify the role of the government in the new round of state-owned enterprise reform, we should first of all straighten out the relationship between the government and the reform of state-owned enterprises, and emphasize the necessity for the government to participate in the reform of state-owned enterprises. The new round of state-owned enterprise reform needs to clarify the boundaries between the government and the state-owned enterprise, so that the state-owned enterprises can truly operate independently and have the right to operate independently, and this does not mean that the government should be completely divorced from the reform of the state-owned enterprises. The government must ensure policy support for the reform of state-owned enterprises and create a market environment for reform. Moreover, in the new round of state-owned enterprise reform, the reform of state-owned enterprises cannot be considered solely from an economic point of view, and the government should also create social conditions for the reform of state-owned enterprises. The government is an indispensable factor in the reform of state-owned enterprises. At present, there are still some problems in the localization of government role in the reform of state-owned enterprises, such as role offside and role dislocation, role absence and lack of role. Its concrete manifestation is the direct intervention of the government, the separation between government and enterprise and between government and capital, which leads to the unclear function of government and enterprise, unclear power and responsibility, as well as the loss of state-owned assets, the absence of legal system and the lack of responsibility, etc. Has caused the national interest to suffer the harm and the rent-seeking corruption and so on question. Well, the reasons for the above problems are analyzed as follows: firstly, there are conceptual factors. Nowadays, there are still many people in our society who have the idea of officialdom, and the worship of power has distorted the position of the role of the government; secondly, it is the factor of the system. State-owned enterprises still maintain an administrative atmosphere, distort the purpose of their existence, and reduce the speed of the reform of state-owned enterprises; finally, the boundaries of government functions are blurred, leading to the confusion of the power and responsibilities of government and enterprises, and the inability of both the government and the enterprises to give full play to their functions. As a result, the role of the government has lost its purpose. This paper puts forward some suggestions on the new role of government in the new round of SOE reform. First, we should be the explorers of the reform to make progress in the right direction; secondly, we should be the macro guide for the reform to support the reform of the state-owned enterprises from the formulation of the macro policies; finally, the government should be the promoters of the new round of state-owned enterprises reform.


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