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发布时间:2018-05-27 09:21

  本文选题:法治文化 + 中国特色 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Throughout the development of China's rule of law, every stage begins with certain social and economic living conditions. Contemporary China is experiencing the historical change and great transformation from the traditional society to the modern society, and reform and opening up has entered a critical period. At this moment, the fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee adopted the "decision of the CPC Central Committee on comprehensively promoting the ruling of the country according to Law," which indicates that in the new period and new situation, the construction of the rule of law in our country still needs to continue to strengthen the construction of the rule of law. As a local knowledge, it is far from enough to transplant the western advanced law in order to reach the level of the advanced country ruled by law, which must be supported by the culture soil of the rule of law with Chinese characteristics. Although the culture of rule of law is foreign to the West, it is still the symbol of national characteristics. Therefore, the culture of rule of law is bound to be local and national as well. In order to construct a good socialist culture of rule of law with Chinese characteristics, we must make the culture of rule of law grow in the context of China. In addition to inheriting and developing the outstanding achievements of western civilization of rule of law, we must also examine China's special national conditions and local resources on this basis. Therefore, this study is divided into four parts: the first part is mainly about the origin of the western rule of law and the content of the rule of law culture. Taking Aristotle's thought of good law and good governance as the starting point, it forms the foundation stone of the thought of natural law, the rational spirit as the foothold of the rule of law, and justice as the supreme principle. And the rule of law culture with the characteristics of western development. The second part mainly explores the reasons why the western countries can develop such a culture of rule of law from the aspects of economic foundation, political tradition, cultural tradition and social development, and draws a conclusion that the west is the birthplace of the culture of rule of law. What is the experience of its development is worthy of our country to construct the socialist modern rule of law culture to learn, which must be abandoned. In the third part, by comparing the main contents of Chinese traditional legal culture with the western culture of rule of law, the most distinct features of the culture of rule of law in the west are obtained. In the fourth chapter, we analyze the significance of the western culture of rule of law to our country, and finally get the development mode of constructing the characteristic socialist culture of the rule of law in our country. That is, we should take the market economy as the foundation, the government of the rule of law as the leader, the socialist core values as the guide and take it as the soul of the construction of the culture of the rule of law, and finally symbolize, ritualize and sanctify the law among the masses of the people. It is supported by law-popularization education to form legal belief among the people. The above four points of the comprehensive force, the synchronous promotion, finally constructs the socialist rule of law culture with the characteristics of our country.


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