发布时间:2018-06-06 19:08
本文选题:动物福利 + 自由贸易 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着经济全球化的深入发展,国际之间的贸易日益繁盛,而各国商品能否在全世界范围内自由流通就成了各国关注的重要目标,由于在国际贸易中各国地位的不平等,为了维护自身利益导致各种各样的贸易壁垒也层出不穷。另一方面经济水平的提升推动了人们生活水平的提高,保护大自然意识也逐步增强,保护动物福利成为了一个全球性的话题。而此时动物福利与自由贸易之间的矛盾也逐渐引起了国际社会的广泛关注。2009年,欧洲议会和欧盟理事会出台了一项全面禁止在欧盟国家销售海豹产品的规则,引起了世界上最大的海豹产品出口国加拿大和挪威的强烈不满,在协商无果的情况下最终两国就此案诉于WTO。这是WTO处理的第一起以保护动物福利为目的涉嫌限制自由贸易的案件,引起了国际社会普遍关注。2013年11月25日,WTO争端解决机构发布了关于本案的专家组报告,一方面肯定了欧盟海豹管理措施保护动物福利相关的公共道德目标的正当性,另一方面又认为此项措施不是以公平公正的方式实施的,违背了WTO协议的相关义务。对此双方都有不服之处先后提出上诉,2014年5月22日WTO上诉机构发布了报告,对持续多年的海豹贸易争端作出了最终裁决。在该案的上诉机构报告中,上诉机构推翻了专家组关于欧盟海豹管理措施属于TBT协定1.1中的“技术性法规”的认定,专家组根据TBT协定所作出的认定没有法律效力,同时又维持了专家组认定该措施违反了GATT 1994协议中的最惠国待遇原则和国民待遇原则,并且虽然该措施可以根据GATT 1994协议第20条(a)项公共道德例外获得临时正当性,但因为其并没有满足第20条前言各项要求所以不能获得最终正当性。该案表明,动物福利措施既有其合理的一面,又有可能造成新形式的贸易壁垒。我国是世界贸易组织的重要成员,同时又是动物产品出口大国,在此案件中双方围绕着几大争论焦点展开的激烈争论、有关条约的解释和认定争议所采取的审查措施,对我国日后面对复杂多面的国际贸易争端有很重要的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:With the deepening development of economic globalization, the international trade is flourishing day by day, and whether the goods of all countries can circulate freely in the whole world has become the important goal of the countries concerned, because of the unequal status of the countries in the international trade. In order to protect their own interests, a variety of trade barriers are also emerging. On the other hand, the improvement of economic level has promoted the improvement of people's living standard, and the consciousness of protecting nature has been gradually strengthened, and the protection of animal welfare has become a global topic. Meanwhile, the contradiction between animal welfare and free trade has gradually aroused widespread concern in the international community. In 2009, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union issued a total ban on the sale of seal products in European Union countries. Canada and Norway, the world's largest exporters of seal products, were furious, and the two countries sued the case against the WTO in the futile negotiations. This is the first case to be dealt with by the WTO concerning alleged restrictions on free trade for the purpose of protecting animal welfare, which has aroused widespread concern in the international community. On 25 November 2013, the WTO dispute settlement body issued the report of a panel of experts on the case, On the one hand, it affirms the legitimacy of the public moral goals related to the seal management measures of the European Union to protect animal welfare. On the other hand, it considers that the measures are not implemented in a fair and impartial manner, which violates the relevant obligations of the WTO agreement. On May 22, 2014, the WTO Appellate body issued a report that made the final ruling on the seal trade dispute that had lasted for many years. In the case's appellate body report, the appellate body overturned the panel's finding that EU seal management measures were "technical regulations" in TBT Agreement 1.1, and that the Panel's findings under the TBT Agreement had no legal effect. Maintaining the Panel's finding that the measure violates the principle of most-favoured-nation treatment and the principle of national treatment in the GATT 1994 Agreement, and that the measure may be provisionally justified in accordance with article XIX.a) of the GATT 1994 Agreement, However, because it does not meet the requirements of article 20 preamble, it can not obtain the ultimate legitimacy. The case shows that animal welfare measures have both a legitimate side and the potential for new forms of trade barriers. China is an important member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and also a major exporter of animal products. In this case, the two sides engaged in fierce disputes around several major points of contention, and the examination measures taken in relation to the interpretation and determination of the dispute, It is of great significance for our country to face complex and multi-sided international trade disputes in the future.
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