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发布时间:2018-06-13 17:40

  本文选题:基层组织选举 + 村民自治场域 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As an important institutional arrangement for grass-roots political participation, grass-roots organization elections provide legal channels for the orderly political participation of the grass-roots citizens in China, thus improving the legitimacy of the grass-roots political power. In the vast rural areas of China, grass-roots organizations include all kinds of organizations located in the town (Office) and village level, mainly refers to village organizations and villages. The "village two committees" as the end of the power of the grass-roots organizations in the rural areas plays a leading role in the practice of villagers' autonomy. In the practice of more than 30 years of villagers' autonomy, the state power has gradually withdrawn from the grass-roots society. However, because of the system, the social and historical factors of the "village and the two committees" are not in the villagers' autonomous field. At the same time, the "village two committees" election has given the opportunity of "legal" input in the name of the village and township governments (the external forces of the villagers autonomous field). The election of the "village two committees" involves the election of the villagers. The participants in the grass-roots organizations (both field and field), and the election process of the "village and the two committees" are also the most obvious and fiercely competitive political process of all parties. Therefore, the main body of the paper is embedded in the election of "village two committees" in the villagers' Autonomous field. The main body of the game is based on their own interests and native people. With mutual coupling and mutual coupling, a seemingly static and dynamic election game is launched. The domestic scholars based on the villagers' autonomy system to the traditional rural community "village and two committees" election is full. And the "village two committees" elected a new practical field after the party's the sixth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee - a new rural society. However, this new field will be regulated by the traditional rural community local culture and system inertia. With the gradual promotion of the new rural community in the country, the study on the organization and operation mechanism of the new rural community is still in a "window period", especially in the construction of the new rural community grassroots organizations. Under the background of new problems and new development trends, how to construct the grass-roots organizations of new rural communities has become an urgent task to be studied. In order to explore the organization construction of the new rural community grass-roots organizations, this paper embeds the election game into the field of villagers' autonomy system, and analyzes the new rural community as an example. Based on the normative research, the paper constructs the theoretical framework of the power game in the village autonomous field. Based on the empirical study, the paper clarifies the field and the main body of the election game of the grass-roots organizations. The main frame of the thesis includes five parts around the villagers' autonomous field. The main frame of the thesis includes the main part of the paper. The research background, the theoretical significance and the practical significance of the research, and then using the literature analysis method to the grass-roots organization election, especially the "village two committees" election at home and abroad in detail, and then elaborated the research methods, research ideas and innovation points. The second chapter of the paper based on the game theory to build the villagers' autonomous field The theoretical framework of power game in the domain includes game theory, elite theory, public choice theory, institutional ideology theory and communication interaction theory. Based on game theory and public choice theory, the rational economic man game strategy in power game is analyzed, and the power game is deeply analyzed by using the ideology theory of NOS's system. The third chapter clarifies the field and main body of the election of grass-roots organizations. Firstly, the concept of grass-roots organizations and grass-roots organizations is defined, and the field of grass-roots organization election is embedded into the autonomous field of villagers, while the most intense game in the village autonomous field is "the most intense game". The election of the two committees of the village is also the "intersection" of the game of multiple powers. Secondly, the division of the electoral subjects of the grass-roots organizations: the village elite, the ordinary villagers and the external forces of the villagers' autonomy in the villagers' autonomous field - the township government party committees, among which the rural elite can be divided into "the rural elite in the system" and "the non system". The fourth chapter is based on the new rural community, which is based on the new rural community, taking the game theory as the analysis frame, taking X (one village and one community), Y (multi village community), and Z (two village community) as an example. It analyzes the game between the multiple power subjects in the election of the "village two committees", which is mainly embodied in three aspects: the rural elite. Game between the ordinary villagers, the game between the institutional elite and the non institutional elite, the game between the township party committee government and the village two committees, which embeds many games between the clan and the marriage. The fifth chapter combs the questions and reasons in the election game of the grass-roots organizations, which can be summed up in four aspects: one is the countryside. The decline of the collective economy and the backwardness of infrastructure, the loss of the rural elite and the young labor force lead to the empty rotation of the villagers' autonomy system; two in the political culture, the rural areas in our country have always been lack of autonomy tradition, and the characteristics of the local people are obvious; the three is the villagers' autonomy system as an artificial rank order, the input problem of the external power of the field area; and the four is stimulated. The living clansmen sects have "most tyranny" phenomenon in the election. The sixth chapter is mainly to improve the basic organization election countermeasures. Based on the new rural community "village and two committees" election game theory, as well as the problems appearing in the election game, mainly from four aspects to explore the basic layer organization election development path and practical way. It is based on the development of the rural collective economy and the construction of rural infrastructure and the construction of a good economic environment for the election of grass-roots organizations; two, based on the theory of communication and action, to explore the new path for the election of grass-roots organizations and to improve the identity of the villagers for the legitimacy of the election; the three is to promote the institutionalization of the election of grass-roots organizations, as well as the "middle of the village financial personnel." As well as the standardization of financial management, the four is to actively guide the development of community self-organization, thus forming the spontaneous order of villagers' autonomy, making the system of villager autonomy run.


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