本文选题:法官 + 人身安全 ; 参考:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,杀、伤、辱、困法官的事件频发,屡屡挑战法治的底线。本文以2000年1月1日至2016年12月31日我国新闻媒体公开报道的法官人身伤害事件为分析蓝本,探讨法官人身安全保障的法律问题。全文共分为四个部分:第一部分:我国法官人身伤害现状统计。本人收集了 2000年1月1日至2016年12月31日以来法官遭受人身侵害的315件实例,并从法官人身伤害案的年发生量、发生地区、加害人、受害人、加害方式、加害事由、受伤结果以及对加害人的处置结果八个方面逐一分类进行阐释,摸清我国法官人身伤害案件的基本形态。第二部分:我国法官人身伤害原因分析。基于上述认识,本人从立法原因、法官原因、体制原因、社会原因四个方面陈述。首先,《法官法》、《刑法》等过于原则性,缺乏具体措施与之配套。其次,法官本身职业素质有所欠缺、自我保护意识不强。再次,司法改革漫漫长路,审判不独立和审判信息公开不到位等问题浮现。最后,社会大众法制意识薄弱,舆论监督偏颇。第三部分:法官人身安全保障的域外考察。本文梳理了英美法系和大陆法系国家法官人身安全保障的做法,例如“藐视法庭罪”、法官人身安全保障特别保险、加重刑事处罚力度等。希望通过比较分析域外法官人身安全保障的共同点和不同点,结合中国国情,探求一般性规律,对我国的法官人身安全保障具有重要的借鉴价值和启示作用。第四部分:法官人身安全保障对策建议。根据上述原因分析进一步阐释保障法官人身安全的具体措施,主要分为以下五点:一是完善立法,通过充实《法官法》、《刑法》,制定统一的《强制执行法》,完善法官保险制度,彰显法官人身安全保障的理论意义。二是构建职业法官队伍,认为法官应具备自我保护意识,提高综合素质,公正审判,约束职务外行为,进一步树立司法权威。三是改革司法体制,外部独立和内部独立相结合,完善陪审制度,加强审判信息公开制,扼杀当事人心中的不满情绪。四是加强社会指引,提高全民法治观念,强化舆论监督机制,有效发挥媒体的宣传作用。五是健全法院安保工作,强化法警职责,完善法院硬件设施,力求法官人身安全问题能够得到实际解决。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the killing, wounding, humiliating, trapped judges frequent incidents, repeatedly challenged the bottom line of the rule of law. Based on the analysis of the personal injury events reported publicly by the Chinese news media from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2016, this paper discusses the legal issues of the personal security of judges. The full text is divided into four parts: the first part: the status of personal injury statistics of judges in China. From January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2016, I have collected 315 examples of personal assault suffered by judges, and from the annual number of cases of personal injury to judges, the area of occurrence, the perpetrators, the victims, the ways of infliction, the cause of injury, The result of injury and eight aspects of the result of dealing with the offender are classified and explained one by one to find out the basic form of the personal injury case of the judge in our country. The second part: our country judge personal injury reason analysis. Based on the above understanding, I state from four aspects: legislative reason, judge reason, system reason and social reason. First of all, the Law of judges and Criminal Law are too principled and lack of concrete measures. Secondly, the judge's own professional quality is deficient, self-protection consciousness is not strong. Third, judicial reform is a long way, trial is not independent and trial information is not in place. Finally, the public awareness of the legal system is weak and public opinion supervision is biased. The third part: the extraterritorial investigation of the personal security of judges. This article combs the common law system and the civil law system country judge personal safety safeguard practice, for example "contempt of court crime", the judge personal safety safeguard special insurance, intensifies the criminal punishment strength and so on. It is hoped that by comparing and analyzing the common points and differences of the personal security of judges abroad and combining with the national conditions of China and seeking general rules, it will have important reference value and enlightenments for the protection of the personal safety of judges in our country. The fourth part: the countermeasures and suggestions for the protection of the personal safety of the judge. According to the above reasons, the specific measures to protect the personal safety of judges are further explained. They are mainly divided into the following five points: first, to perfect the legislation, to formulate a unified compulsory execution Law and to perfect the judges' insurance system by enriching the Law of judges and the Criminal Law. Showing the theoretical significance of the personal security of judges. The second is to construct the professional judge team, which holds that the judge should have the consciousness of self-protection, improve the comprehensive quality, try the justice fairly, restrain the behavior outside the post, and further establish the judicial authority. Third, reform the judicial system, combine external independence with internal independence, perfect the jury system, strengthen the open system of trial information, and stifle the dissatisfaction in the heart of the litigants. Fourth, strengthen the social guidance, improve the concept of the rule of law of the whole people, strengthen the supervision mechanism of public opinion, and give full play to the propaganda role of the media. Fifth, improve the security work of the court, strengthen the duties of the bailiff, improve the hardware facilities of the court, and strive for a practical solution to the personal safety of judges.
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